Will i ever get a six pack

Will i ever get a six pack

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “Will i ever get a six pack”,you can compare them.

If you work at exercising hard to get that six pack you just might achieve. It depends on your body structure, too. Good luck! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/will-i-ever-get-a-six-pack ]
More Answers to “Will i ever get a six pack
What if you could get six-pack abs without ever doing a single si…?
“As I have gotten older, I still work out five times a week. I eat right. I do everything can do,” Kari Sellers said. everything including cosmetic surgery. She was the first person in the country to try a procedure called high-de…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

If I do 50 sit ups a day will I get a six pack?
Q: If i do 50 sit ups a day will I ever get a six pack? if so how long will it take? thank you!
A: Yes it will, but with an explanation with it…50 sit ups a day is not enough… It will take you a few months to get one or maybe a year I think… 125 is a good start… I do 350 a day…
Will I ever have a six pack?
Q: I don’t understand why I don’t have one… I exercise my abs every day. I have less than 0.5 inches of pinchable fat on my stomach standing up, which turns to about 1-2 inches when I sit down. For some reason it still *looks* flabby though, rather than solid. Is it just my genetics? Why don’t I have one? The only time I can see anything resembling a six pack is when I stand under a really bright light and lean back, then you can kind of see the outline of one, but under normal lighting I just look flabby.I’m already doing all of those things…Thanks but I am already doing diet and cardio.
A: Oy.. well stop training your abs every day. Your muscles dont grow when you exercise! They break down and rip on a microscopic level. It’s when you REST that they GROW. So give a few days in between moderate ab exercises, and even mroe days if it was a really really intense workout. You will come back feeling and being stronger than before. This should help play into getting bigger ab muscles, since you already have a low body fat percentage.If you already have that, you have good genetics, so just keep going with what you have. You are already ahead of a lot of people.
What is the lowest price you ever paid for a six pack of beer?
Q: I used to get Ham’s for 99 cents a six pack while Bud was $1.35 a six pack. Of course that was 35 years ago.
A: .79 cents for Bud/.89 cents for Michelob…back in 1970.You could also get 4 quarts of beer for $1.00

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