What is the fastest way to lose weight and get abs

What is the fastest way to lose weight and get abs

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the fastest way to lose weight and get abs”,you can compare them.

Watching what you eat and doing high impact cardio exercises is the fastest way to loose weight and get abs of steel. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-fastest-way-to-lose-weight-and-get-abs ]
More Answers to “What is the fastest way to lose weight and get abs
How can I lose weight and get abs. And whats the fastest way to d…?
i lost 94 pounds fast using this program. believe me it works and the weight actually stays off and you don’t have to starve yourself. http://fatloss4idiots101.cjb.net/
What’s the best way to lose weight and get abs fast without buyin…?
Abs are made in the Kitchen not in the gym…which means that it depends on how you eat and whats your life style in food that will determine if you are ever gonna see your abs or not..So what you should is follow a good diet low on fat and…

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How can I lose weight and get abs. And whats the fastest way to do it!?
Q: I need to lose weight. ASAP. I have a wedding to go to and I need to do it FAST. I only weigh 125, but its not good enough. I’m 5’0 so it feels like I’m chubby. And plus I wanna have abs, but what is a good way to get them, besides crunches cause I already do those….HELP!
A: i lost 94 pounds fast using this program.believe me it works and the weight actually stays offand you don’t have to starve yourself.http://fatloss4idiots101.cjb.net/
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A: I do a form of power yoga called YRG that is great for weight loss and toning your body. They have an online video at www.GreatDrills.com I do it from my home 4 times a week without any equipment. Good Luck!
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A: First check out what is your blood group and what diet is good for your health .Basically there are 3 types of Diet+ —– HIGHLY BENEFICIAL, FOOD ACTS LIKE MEDICINEO —– NEUTRAL FOOD X —– AVOID, FOOD ACTS LIKE A POISONFirst check out what diet helps lose or gain weight and what diet is really good to be healthy based on your blood group .-Blood group O is for Old.- Type O.http://www.diskovery.co.in/how_to_loose_weight__how_to_gain_weight”FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT GAIN” Sweetcorn Kidney beans Cabbage Brussel sprout Cauliflower “FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT LOSS” Liv 52 Sea food Iodized salt Liver Red meat Spinach Broccoli -Blood group A is for Agrarian.-__ Type A. http://www.diskovery.co.in/how_to_loose_weight__how_to_gain_weight”FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT GAIN” Meat Dairy foods Kidney beans Lima beans Wheat “FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT LOSS” Liv 52 Vegetable oils Soya foods Vegetables Pineapple -Blood group B is for Balance.-__ Type B.http://www.diskovery.co.in/how_to_loose_weight__how_to_gain_weight”FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT GAIN” Lentils Sweetcorn Peanuts Sesame seeds Buckwheat Wheat “FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT LOSS” Liv 52 Green vege Meat Lamb Liver Eggs __ Blood group Type AB.http://www.diskovery.co.in/how_to_loose_weight__how_to_gain_weight”FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT GAIN” Red meat Kidney beans Seeds Sweetcorn Buckwheat “FOODS ENCOURAGE WEIGHT LOSS”Liv 52 Tofu Seafood Green vege Dairy products Alkaline fruits Pineapples

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