When you loose weight where does the fat go

When you loose weight where does the fat go

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The fat is absorbed into your liver, kidney and muscle. Would you like to ask another question? Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/when-you-loose-weight-where-does-the-fat-go ]
More Answers to “When you loose weight where does the fat go
When you loose weight, where does the fat go?
No. Actually it never goes away. The fat cells just shrink. Disappointing, I know. I thought it all went away until I asked someone I know who’s a dr. and that was what I was told.
When people loose weight, where does the fat go?
The body absorbs it, fat is created when the body is not fully utilising food. When you exercise and diet the body calls on the fat reserves and devours it. Clear enough ?
Where do the fat go when you loose weight?
i’m guessing nothing is getting bigger, it just looks that way. but to answer your question, fat is just stored calories. so if you work out, you burn more calories. if you eat less calories than you burn, you lose weight.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

When you loose weight, where does the fat go?
Q: When you loose weight, where does the fat go???
A: The fat inside the adipose tissue melts, and is converted into energy for the body. However, the adipose tissue, once developed, never disappears. It’s like a reservoir: it will empty out, but remain there. That’s why people who lose weight still have this excess skin hanging, full of adipose (and excess skin too) waiting to be refilled as soon as they start eating as they were before.
Where does the fat go that you loose when you loose weight?
A: they use it to make marshmellows
how does your fat just go all away when yu loose weight?
Q: i think it is impossible to loose all that fat. i mean where does it all go? i think its impossible to loose all of your fat.
A: You are right. The fat cell shrinks to just an envelope when the fat is used up as energy. When you gain weight, you fill these “envelopes” up and make new cells as you gain more weight

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