How can i make my stomache look smaller

How can i make my stomache look smaller

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “How can i make my stomache look smaller”,you can compare them.

Sitting up straight is a way to temporarily make your stomach look smaller. Diet and exercise are a more permanent fix. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How can i make my stomache look smaller
How Can I Make My Stomache And Thighs Look Smaller Without Spendi…?
With your weight and height inputs, you do not really not to lose weight. To make your thighs and stomach look smaller, you will need to start doing cardio exercises. And eat a healthy diet, low in simple sugar and low in fat. Some cardio e…
Does not having visable abs make your stomache look bigger??
Yes, not having visable makes your stomach look fat. Everyone has abs, their just the muscle under your stomstomach have your abs show, do a regular exercise that strengthens your abs and reduces your fat. That should just about do it. Good…
How can i stretch my body to even out my stomache to make me look…?
I doubt you look fat even at 5 foot and 114lbs.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How Can I Make My Stomache And Thighs Look Smaller Without Spending Money?
Q: Ok, I want to make my thighs and stomache look smaller but I don’t want to spend any money …I’m 13 yrs. old, 5.2′ and weigh 110 poundsif anyone can help me with this it would be really helpful!
A: get one of those body shapers!their virtually invisible underclothing!
what can I wear to make my chest and stomache look smaller?
Q: I’m not a big girl, but a bit chesty and thick in the middle every thing I put on looks like maternity clothes. And they don’t make jeans like they used to all of them creates muffin top, so it makes it hard to tuck any thing in. I have to wear dress clothes to work, and I usually end up looking pregnant or sloppy. if I buy shirts to fit the top they are huge every where else. same with the dress pants or jeans if i buy them to fit around my waist they are sloppily huge in the but and legs. Please help. i’m 40 something and end up looking 50 or 60 something
A: You may be shopping at the wrong places for your chest size. I know you mention you are not plus size but let me put this out there. I buy clothes for my mother at lane bryant but she is plus size. The clothes they sell there are are made to downplay the size of plus size women. Maybe looking at their site can give you an idea as to what style shirt would be best for your chest and or tummy. Even research which brands are best for chesty women.
I’m a teen, and I want to make my thighs look smaller, yet still strong. Any easy ways of doing that?
Q: Well my thighs are pretty big for my age, and i really want my body to tone up for the summer. You know, so i can wear skirts and shorts and my swimsuite without my thighs looking huge. So if anyone knows how to make your thighs (even better, my stomache) look smaller, please tell ! It has to be easy yet affective, so thanks!
A: 2 things.. run, lift leg weights anything active to get your legs moving. I joined the track team at my high school and my legs got so much better ! ( no flab!) for your stomach same thing just get up and move run, even walk, do curl ups/sit ups, anything. Good Luck, Stay active !

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