When should a person start lifting weights

When should a person start lifting weights

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “When should a person start lifting weights”,you can compare them.

Around puberty, ages 13-14, a person is of a great age to start lifting weights. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/when-should-a-person-start-lifting-weights ]
More Answers to “When should a person start lifting weights
How long should a person stretch before lifting weights??
you shouldn’t do it to long because you have little wobblely arms. Try doing some physical streches like swinging them around.
How much protein does a person lifting weights need to consume pe…?
“1.5 – 2.0 grams of protein per 2.2 pounds (1 kg) of body weight a day.” Below is a question/answer from University of Florida Professor about how much protein you should consume. Patrick J. Bird, Ph.D. Keeping Fit Column 217b 199…
Can weight lifting cause a person to lose weight??
Weight training can drastically multiply your weight loss efforts. Lifting weights builds muscle which in turn, burns more calories, helping you to lose weight and firm up. It is much easier to keep off the weight when you weight train beca…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

what happens when a FAT person lifts weights?
Q: I am not fat, nor do i really lift weights. But i have always wondered, if an over weight person starts to lift weights he often gains muscle weight but does the fat weight disappear, like burn up, or is just added muscle on top of it.
A: They would burn fat when exercising which would make them slimmer.Also, the more muscle you have the more calories you burn when resting so if he kept the same diet he would burn more calories than before naturally and the combination of them would eventually lead to him losing weight.
What would happen if a fat person started lifting weights?
Q: Would they lose the weight and develop the muscle,or would there be muscle UNDER the fat?loljw
A: You lose weight when you’re burning more calories than you’re eating. Lifting weights is hard work, so you burn calories, so yes, they could lose weight. But if they don’t burning more calories than they’re eating, they’ll still develop muscle.
If a person recently started to lift weights, will it be harder for that person to lose weight?
A: Yes and no. Yes because muscle weighs more than fat and as you build muscle it may appear as if you are gaining weight. However if you want to lose while you exercise please ingest these servings aday. 2 and 1/2 proteins, 4 vegetables, 4 fruits, 4 starches and 2 fats 8-8oz glasses of water, 3 dairy (this is if you exercise 4 or more hours a week). If not please email me back and I’ll get more specific info to assist.

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