What exercises could i do

What exercises could i do

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “What exercises could i do”,you can compare them.

Targeted Chest Flies : This exercise is really just a modified and slightly more targeted exercise which specifically (MORE?) [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-exercises-could-i-do ]
More Answers to “What exercises could i do
Riding your bike is definitely a plus. Especially if you live in a hilly area like los angeles area. I also think the elliptical machine is another cardio machine where you lose the most calories compared to a treadmill or recumbent machine…
Try having a deep bath and moving your arm about in the warm water, or fill the kitchen sink. I found this helped when I had similar problems following time in casts. A physiotherapist will give you suitable exercises to strengthen the musc…
Most people know that exercise is good for them. Somehow, though, older adults have been left out of the picture — until recently. Today a new picture is emerging from research: Older people of different physical conditions have much to ga…

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what exercises should i do to get rid of fat on my arms thighs and belly?
Q: im a little over weight and i wanna get healthier. what are some sports i could play that might help too.thnx
A: Cardio and diet are the two most important factors in losing weight. You need to do a lot of cardio to burn off the fat and start eating right on a healthier diet. Swimming is a great way to get in better shape, it exercises all your muscles and is a great aerobic workout. Really though almost every sport is exercise, chose the one you enjoy most.
What exercises could i do to lose weight in my abdomen/stomach area ?
Q: What exercises could i do to lose weight in my abdomen/stomach area ?Like running, sit ups stuff like that ?
A: There are two main types of abdominal area fat:- Visceral fat is fat which is stored deep inside the body and surrounds and protects the vital organs;- The other is Subcutaneous fat and is the fat many people carry just under the skin and the fat which you can pinch;There are many abdominal exercises that you can you to use to lose belly fat. If over a prolonged period you consume more calories than you burn you will not lose your belly fat. So to ensure that you lose as much weight as possible, ensure you burn more calories than you consume over a prolonged period and exercise regularly.So which us belly fat stomach exercises are the most efficient at burning the Subcutaneous fat from around the stomach?So lets firstly address one incorrect myth. Doing hundreds of stomach crunches a day will not burn fat from around the belly. As already stated, in order to lose fat you need to live a calorie deficit life for a long period; you need to burn more calories than you consume. Not enough calories are burnt doing situps for it to be an effective way of losing stomach fat. The only way to effectively lose belly fat is to use a full-body training program that makes the most of both your metabolic rate and the body’s hormonal response to your exercise routine. Therefore, the most important thing you can start to do if you are not doing it is to exercise regularly.A full body training program is the best way to lose stomach fat and this is supported by recent research.In order for this exercise to be effective it needs to encompass both cardio vascular and resistance exercise. Many gurus believe that 30 or 40 minutes exercise 3 or 3 times a week is sufficient, this is in fact incorrect. The cross trainer is my personal favorite piece of equipment as 20 minutes of hard work can burn close to 400 calories. But remember, in addition to your exercise program eating a balanced healthy diet is crucial to long term successful weight control. Plan what you keep in the cupboards and plan you meals as you would plan you exercise and overtime you will see your abdominal fat reduce.
What other exercises could benefit football?
Q: I see that plyometric exercises and (I admit) ballet do help me play in football a lot. I feel as if there are many other kinds of training programs that could benefit my body and my football skills. Any suggestions that could help?
A: go to the gym and train hard end off

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