What is the average weight of a girl that is 5 foot 6

What is the average weight of a girl that is 5 foot 6

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the average weight of a girl that is 5 foot 6”,you can compare them.

The average weight for a girl who is 5’6″ is 120-133 lbs for small frame, 130-144 for medium frame, and 140-159 for large frame. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-average-weight-of-a-girl-that-is-5-foot-6 ]
More Answers to “What is the average weight of a girl that is 5 foot 6
What is the average weight for an 11 year old girl who is five fe…?
if you go to www.kidshealth.com/teen/food_fitness/dieting/bmi it won’t tell you what your supposed to weight.you put in the information that it asks for and it well tell you if your underweight,at a healthy weight,or overweight
What is the average weight of a 16 year old girl who is 5 feet 6 …?
I would say between 130- 145 pounds.
What is the average weight for a 12 year old girl who is around 5…?
you cant really say because you are not an adult and that means you are still bound to grow. and i must say damn girl you are tall 😛 you got one inch on me! And im 18 lol

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is the Average Weight of a 5 foot 6 in 13 yr old girl?
Q: i weight around 120 i was just wondering what is the average weight.i am trying to get down to 117 but i heard that height ads weight is that true? also that muscle is more than fat. THANKS IN ADVANCE
A: your weight is fine! no need to lose any. yes, the taller you are, the more you should weigh. you might have friends that are like 5’1″ and 105-110, or have stats like that that make you feel overweight, but trust me, you’re fine.=)
What is the average weight of a 16 years old girl, 5 foot 6 inches?
Q: Just asking because I have my eyes on a girl and I want to know how much she weighs.
A: 120-130
Healthy/average weight, etc. for 14-year-old girl (5 feet, 6 inches)?
Q: Don’t worry, I am NOT concerned about my weight. I like how I look. I know there are a lot a people here who hate it when a girl asks about weight. Chill out, people. I’m not that. I was just wondering what is a HEALTHY weight for a 14-year-old girl who is 5 feet, 6 inches. Remember: healthy is not the same as average. Also, pant size in girls and women would be helpful. I realize that many different brands size things differently. Right now, I like how I look. I’m thinking about how to KEEP myself this way. So, healthy eating and exercising would be very helpful as well. Any other information you have is WELCOME!! All I’m asking is to take 10 minutes of your time to answer this specifically and with detail. VERY easy “best answer” points. Thank you so much!!
A: Well I’m 14, and I’m about 5’5. I weigh 104 pounds, but everyone is different, so i cant really say what the “average” weight is. My pants size varies by brand, but I’m usually a 00 or a 24. Eating wise, I’m a vegetarian, so if you eat meat, I can’t really help you. I do, however, recommend vegetarianism. It can be a very healthy lifestyle and I think you should really do some research and find out if it is right for you.Also, this chart may be kind of helpful in determining average weight/height:http://www.disabled-world.com/artman/publish/height-weight-teens.shtml

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