What are chest flies in workouts

What are chest flies in workouts

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This exercise is very similar to both the decline dumbbell flyes and the Butterflies. Position yourself on a free standing flat bench, flat on your back. Have your spotter hand you each dumbbell. MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-chest-flies-in-workouts ]
More Answers to “What are chest flies in workouts
How to Perform Chest Fly Workouts with Dumbbells
Using dumbbells is one of the most popular ways to perform a chest fly. Indeed, dumbbell use has its advantages. Since you are not using a machine that controls your alignment, dumbbell use requires you to rely on your core muscles for supp…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are the most effective chest workouts that show?
Q: I have been going to the gym about 5-6 days a week for the past month and a half and I have been showing major improvements. Most of the fat that was on my chest before is gone and is sticks out now. I do regular bench, four sets going up in weight for four sets, incline four sets, decline for four sets, and flies. What am I missing? Last month I was lifting 100lbs, now I’m at 165. Help/suggestions?
A: You’re not doing chest every day are you?Assuming you’re doing chest only once or twice a week, try switching back and forth between heavy and light cycles. Do one day heavy, low reps, increasing weight, to a max of one rep, etc. Then, the next chest day, put a bit more than your warm up weight (maybe 25 lb on either side of the bar) and just do 4×12 for each bench with the same weight, and little rest. If you want to get complicated, you can do a four-cycle rotation. For each chest day out of four, try 1x heavy barbell, 1x light dumbell, 1x heavy dumbell, 1x light barbell. On dumbell days, use only dumbells for the entire chest workout. They will work a bunch of support muscles you don’t often use, and they’re great for form and making you work. If you’re doing it once a week, try working it to complete failure. Include extra sets per bench, or try rotating around the benches…1 set flat, 1 set incline, 1 set decline, 1 set flies, 1 set pushups…etc, repeat, repeat, repeat, etc.Work until you just physically can’t lift another pound with your chest, then concentrate on other body parts for the rest of the week. Something you might try as a last-set, is twisting dumbell presses. Start on the flat, with dumbells in normal position, then as you push them, rotate them outward, so you end in a reverse grip, and then rotate back as you return to your rest position.
What are some good chest workouts that don’t hurt or damage your shoulders……?
Q: I am trying to get a six pack, so at the same time I am working out the rest of my body to get rid of little bit of fat. And I looking for a chest workout that won’t hurt or damage your shoulders……. Like dumbbell flies. Those hurt my shoulders…….. Oh! And would bench pressing count? Or is that just an arm workout?
A: Bench Press is an excellent exercise, and works your chest, shoulders and triceps. However most people don’t bench correctly, which can hurt the shoulders. Watch the video in my sources to learn proper technique.Dumbell presses are also good, do this with palms facing eachother. This causes you to tuck your elbows (keep them closer to your sides) which is better for the shoulders.
For chest workouts what should I do?
Q: I guess I should of ask these before but I’m gonna answer it now. I just got done with chest workout today and I was wondering of should i do different weight of what I can do for 3 sets or should I do them all at the same level? Like Chest press/incline/decline – should I do them all at 100s? Then for flies dumb ell press, and incline flies, and I think that’s it but should I do them all at the same level of weights?
A: well its always good to mix it up.. but do not worry so much about using different weights..as long as you grind out the reps and force yourself to failure.. thats what propels muscle growth… go for reps of 6 – 8, and 4 – 6every few weeks, u can do a very light set after your heavy set… this is called a drop set.. every 3 weeks do thatevery once in a while u can lift light to shock your body.. where u do 10 – 12 repsAlso, eat alot of protein, whey protein and buy glutamine powder

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