What is the record for the most weight benched on a bench press

What is the record for the most weight benched on a bench press

Health related question in topics Fitness Olympics .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the record for the most weight benched on a bench press”,you can compare them.

World record of 700.8 pounds in the bench press in weight class. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-record-for-the-most-weight-benched-on-a-bench-press ]
More Answers to “What is the record for the most weight benched on a bench press
Who set the world record for most weight bench-pressed in the 200…?
Rob Zolaturiuk benched an impressive 880 pounds on March 25, 2000. Hossein Rezazadeh Bench Press: 220.0 Kg http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hossein_Reza_Zadeh NOT Rollo Zamiski

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record bench press for a 120lb person.? can anyone point me to a website with weight lifting records.?
A: try www.powerliftingwatch.comtheres record for shirted and raw. I prefer raw. I also have a friend that does double bodyweight RAW and doesnt even compete and also weighs 120 SO i advice you to at least get to X2 bodyweight until having a chance to win. good luck
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A: about 390
Bench Press World Record?
Q: Ok I was jw, i’m 150 lbs.. sooo what are the highest known recorded bench presses known for the weight class 148 and 165? unequipped
A: http://www.giftofstrength.com/

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