What is the best strength training exercise

What is the best strength training exercise

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the best strength training exercise”,you can compare them.

The best strength training exercises are squats, push ups and lunges. Eat a healthy diet and drink lots of water! Good luck! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-best-strength-training-exercise ]
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Q: I’ve been working out for awhile and I’m starting to take my legs seriously now…What are the best exercises for them? The thing is I only have a barbell and basic dumbells and don’t have access to the gym right now.
A: Do tons of squats! It really works all of your leg muscles. Walking helps too. I do regiments of 75 squats, by squatting once then walking a few steps then do another squat, repeat by then walking a few steps then do 2 squats, walk a few steps and do 2 squats. Follow this model until you get to 10. You’ll really feel it, I promise.
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A: Just doing push ups won’t be enough for you to develop that kind of chest. Soon your body will adapt to all the pushups, and yes you will start to do more, but your chest won’t get very “sculpted.”
What cardio machine is best to use at the gym? Also what are some good strength training exercises?
A: treadmill for sureas for the strength training exercises i would recommend the musts of weight training, the benchpress, the deadlift and the squat.These are all compound exercises so they work more than one muscle, they increase your strength a great deal and they add over all mass to your body.Good Luck! 🙂

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