Is it more effective to have protein before or after you work out

Is it more effective to have protein before or after you work out

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Save protein and fats for after your workout. Your healing muscles need the protein to recover and build. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it more effective to have protein before or after you work out
Should You consume protein before working out or after? or both? …?
Brandon R doesn’t have a clue. That’s one thing you gotta love about this site, people can join today and answer 50 questions that they have no clue about (sarcasm). If you’re trying to maintain or build muscle mass, drink a shake with 1 …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Should I take protein drinks before or after I work out to be more effective?
Q: The title says it all ;D should I take the high protein drink before I work out or after I’ve finished it?Please, I don’t want people saying these drinks don’t work, they’ve got protein in it which definitely contributes to muscle repair, right? heheh thanks all of you ^^ You’re the best! 😛
A: after.. your body will eat up the protein in the drink, and then go for the fat in the body.
Should You consume protein before working out or after? or both? but which is more effective?
Q: trying to gain weight, build muscle. i am very small
A: Brandon R doesn’t have a clue. That’s one thing you gotta love about this site, people can join today and answer 50 questions that they have no clue about (sarcasm).If you’re trying to maintain or build muscle mass, drink a shake with 1 scoop of whey mixed with water or skim milk before the workout, and 1 shake IMMEDIATELY (right after you set the last dumbbell down) after with 1 scoop of whey and 1 scoop of maltodextrin (carbs). The maltodextrin helps shuttle healthy carbs (glycogen) and protein straight into your muscles for rebuilding. Think of it like body lotion. When you put lotion on right out of a shower your skin immediately feels better. If you put lotion on mid-day, your skin doesn’t absorb it nearly as good. This is probably the most important protein consumption during the day for a bodybuilder or anyone who is serious about maintaining hard to ear muscle mass. you don’t trust me look it up.
Is it effective to take protein shake before workout or after workout?
A: There are differnet kinds of protein stacks these days. I have one type in the morning and just before sleeping… and another type (WPI) immediately following a workout. The WPI protein stack is best for immediate release of protein and nutrients to pumped muscles. The other is a kind of slow release protein stack loaded with amino acids and vitamins that keeps you well fed through the night and to kick you off during the day. Protein drinks have become quite sofisticated in recent years..

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