How to get abs in 3 months

How to get abs in 3 months

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Begin facedown on the floor, propped up on your forearms, with knees and feet together. With your elbows under your shoulders, lift your torso, legs, and hips in a straight line from head to heels. Hold for 10 seconds. Raise your More? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How to get abs in 3 months
How do i get abs in 3 months?
Keep a strict diet. No more snacking. Three months is a pretty short time period. Cardiovascular, lots of it. Go out for morning jogs, and maybe jogs at 8:00 or so every night, or whatever fits your schedule. Don’t stress over it, keep it a…
How long does it take to get a six pack of abs?
Depending on how much you weigh is basically how long it will take. Every male has the six-pack abs inside, but it is covered up by excess fat. How long it takes to burn that fat is dependent upon two things, 1) how much fat you have and (2…
Can I get defined abs in 3 months?
If your abs are in decent shape now, and not covered with fat, then you can tone them up in 3 months. If you’ve got fat to burn and absolutely no tone to them at all, you may not get really good results but no reason you can’t go for it and…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How can i loose 60 pounds and get abs in 3 months?
Q: even if i can get abs how can i atleast loose 60 pounds in 3 months
A: Bob,Losing weight and getting those abs you’ve always dreamed about has very little to do with doing endless crunches and situps. I mention that so you are not fooled by all the crap that is out there.Losing belly fat and getting great abs is all about % of body fat. And achieving that is best done through diet and cardio.I found this site very informative when it came to learning about losing belly fat and getting great abs.
I want to have a flat stomach and abs in 3-4 months. How can i do it? ?
Q: I am going somewhere in 3-4 months and i want to be skinny and have abs by then. How can i lose weight? I have small stomach fat and i want to lose around 20 pounds
A: You must work your abs hard about 3-4 days a week. Do crunches rather than set ups. Going to a gym and working hard on an ab machine would help. The other side of the problem is losing weight. You can have very strong developed abs, but they will not show up if you have fat on your belly. Losing fat requires both diet and aerobic exercise. Depending on where you live, it may be too cold to jog or bike outside this time of the year. So you may have to use a treadmill, eliptical trainer or stationary bike at a gym. The other part of losing fat is diet. You need to eat a very healthy diet of lean protien, vegetables and fruit. Some people really try to eliminate carbs when dieting. My feeling is that you should probably reduce them, but not eliminate them entirely. You need some carbs to fuel your body for the exercise program. Good luck.
How do i get abs w/in 3 months?
Q: Is there a way or routine that you used to get 6 pack abs w/in 3 months? I dont need like buldging out hard rock abs just noticable abs that you can see and 5’8 125pounds
A: Do these exercises.Since you are pretty lean it is not that difficult.If you eat healthy, avoiding sweet and fatty junk you will be on the right track.Enjoy these exercises,if you don’t the results won’t come or if they do they won’t last. Ball CrunchLie with the ball resting under the mid/lower back and place hands behind the head or across the chest. Contract your abs to lift your the torso off the ball, pulling the bottom of your ribcage down toward your hips. As you curl up, keep the ball stable.Crunch & ReachBegin with body straight over the ball, light weight extended behind you (not shown). Contract the abs to lift and bring the weight over the head, crunching up and twisting to the right, contracting the right side of waist. Repeat for all reps and then switch sides.Modified PlankBegin by placing elbows on the floor and resting body on the knees. Pull the abs tight to hold your body in a straight line from head to knees without sagging in the middle, eyes looking naturally forward. Hold this position for as long as you can, relax and repeat 3 or more times.Knee TucksStart in plank position on the ball, with the ball under the shins/ankles. Roll the ball towards you with your feet, tightening the abs into a crunch. WoodchopsAttach one end of a resistance band to something sturdy and wrap the band around your hand a few times for the right tension. Grasp the band in both hands and begin in a lunge position, reaching down with the arms Keeping the arms straight the entire time, rotate and lift the body towards the other side while sweeping the arms on a diagonal. Return to start and repeat before moving onto the other side.Hip Extension on the BallLie on the floor with feet heels propped on ball. Keeping abs tight, slowly lift your hips off the floor (squeezing the buttocks) until body is in a straight line. Hold for a few seconds and lower Ball TapsSit on the ball with strong abs and straight spine, hands behind the head. Contract your abs and lift the right foot, tapping it on a medicine ball in front of you. Lower and repeat with the other foot, alternating sides. Use your abs to keep your balance.How to Work Your Abs * You can effectively work your abs with 3 non-consecutive workouts a week * Do 1-3 sets of 12-16 reps of each exercise. If that’s too easy, make sure you’re doing each exercise correctly and using perfect form. You can add a dumbbell or plate to crunches to add difficulty.

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