How fast does a person walk

How fast does a person walk

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “How fast does a person walk”,you can compare them.

Taking stride/leg length into consideration the average person walks about 3-4mph. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How fast does a person walk
How fast do a person walk?
Would depend on leg length, fitness, and how hard they’re trying. Most peoplewould be able to to walk at 3 MPH.
How fast can the average person walk?
As fast as the person in front of you.
Can a person walk or swim faster, the same distance.??
Assuming both persons were at the same level of fitness, and the terrain was level, the walker would more than likely finish first. The only resistance the walker encounters is friction with the ground, while the swimmer has to overcome the…

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A: around 3 mph.
How fast does a person walk per mile?
A: Depends how long their legs are & how fit the person is.
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A: Around 4

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