Can you become addicted to inhalers

Can you become addicted to inhalers

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Everyone’s personality is different and therefore some people can become addicted to inhalers while others can’t! ChaCha on! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you become addicted to inhalers
Can you become addicted to inhalers ?
I have had a serious cold. Anyway bottom line..late night clinic. Docs could not detect what I had nor had any opinion. Were ready to send to the ER.I refused, But was given asthma inhalers ( I never had asthma nor allergies) and feeling …
Can your lungs become addicted to inhalers?
It is possible to become addicted my friend is & drives me nuts, because I have emergency inhalers, for asthma attacks, & every time I run into him He wants mine, or calls all the time to see if I have extra. Of course I do not give…
Will my child become addicted to a maintenance inhaler??
Maintenance inhalers, like ASMANEX ® 110 mcg, are not addictive or habit forming. However if a maintenance inhaler is effective, stopping it could mean that the asthma symptoms may get worse.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

can you become addicted to inhalers ?
Q: I have had a serious cold.Anyway bottom line..late night clinic. Docs could not detect what I had nor had any opinion. Were ready to send to the ER.I refused,But was given asthma inhalers ( I never had asthma nor allergies) and feeling so wide awake and kind of dizzy.Called the docs today when I could not even go to the basement to do the washing….serious stuff now.When getting my prescription people said behind me in the line that you get addicted to it.Am wide awake now..anyway rambles…what are your experiences with asthma inhalers please ?I do not have asthma,,,,just some condition docs do not know about. It is just a temparory thing.thanks is a weird feeling..i never used one before and am not sure about the “high feeling”.thanks sun thoughts are all over the place and I do not think I put a decent sentence together tonight..And I thought it was some kind of “puff puff” ..
A: I used an asthma inhaler that was prescribed a year ago because of a bad cold and like you a temp thing. i used it till the cold and my breathing where better and never felt like i was becoming addicted..
Can your lungs become addicted to inhalers?
Q: I had Bronchitis that lasted over 2 months about 2 months ago. After I finally got over it, I did not need to take the inhaler anymore and felt fine. Recently, at night I start to feel the symptoms again (my throat constricting up). I do not have a cough or phlem (sp?). It feels kind of like Asthma, as it is only trouble breathing. I am wondering since this was the 1st time I ever used an inhaler in my life, and I needed it for at least 2 months on a daily basis- Are my lungs still needing the steriod? Also- I have three cats, that I have had for 2 years, is it possible to develop allergies after having them so long? Any thoughts?
A: It is possible to become addicted my friend is & drives me nuts, because I have emergency inhalers, for asthma attacks, & every time I run into him He wants mine, or calls all the time to see if I have extra. Of course I do not give them to him, I will let him use it if I am there, & can get it back. I do not think you are addicted to it, once your lungs have been compromised they take along time to be totally clear, & at this time of year the briskness in the air itself can cause the need to use it . & sometimes the damage is irreparable . & yes you can develop allergies especially once you have been affected with a respiratory problem, it is more sensitive to irritants, such as cat dander, pollen, mold ETC. My Asthma , along with life style has developed into COPD. & I have difficulty breathing on a daily basis*
Can using an inhaler become addicting?
Q: The last time I went to the allergy doctor, my allergies were so bad. She gave me an inhaler and said VERY CLEARLY…”Only use this as A RESCUE…if you feel you can (get back to normal) without one…then don’t use it at all. Only use it as a rescue”Then she said, “if you start to use this inhaler more than a certain amount of times a day…you need to see me immediately”…So…are inhalers addicting or something…? By the way, I’m not asking so I can get high…I wouldn’t do that. In fact, I’m scared to use my inhaler at all. She said that my lungs, the tips of them don’t open normally and I might have a “touch of ashma”.
A: No, asthma inhalers are not addictive. However you should only use them as needed as they do have side-effects. Note this only applies to the “reliever” meds (what you have described as “rescue”). Some people need to take medication every day for their asthma (“preventers”). Your asthma is clearly not bad enough for you to require these medications.Your doctor told you to seek medical help immediately if you were using it more that x times per day because this is an indication that your asthma is poorly controlled and you may need stronger medication.

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