How does kissing burn calories

How does kissing burn calories

Health related question in topics Fitness Relationships Dating .We found some answers as below for this question “How does kissing burn calories”,you can compare them.

Kissing burns 150 calories for every hour and a half of kissing. Have fun!!! ChaCha again at 242 242!! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How does kissing burn calories
Does kissing burn calories?
Every thing one does burns calories. kissing however would not burn many as it doesn’t require al that much energy.
How many calories do you burn kissing?
When your young and ambisious you may burn A few but when you get past all that, NONE
Does kissing help burn calories?
i would think most of the extra calories burned would come from the side effects of making out like increased heart rate, rather than the activity.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

does kissing help burn calories?
A: i would think most of the extra calories burned would come from the side effects of making out like increased heart rate, rather than the activity.
can kissing burn calories?
A: Yes, of course, it depends on how active your kissing is…..Are you doing your bicep curls during or afterward….are you lifting your legs, or not…..remember, keep those abs tight……LOLYes kissing and anything burns calories….even digestion itself. How much calories you intake, however, will depend on what you need to do to burn them off, or else you body will store those as fat. Having sex burns 80 calories per hour,…..if only he lasted an hour….lol….have fun kissing, and yes, it does burn calories.
True or False Kiss burn CALORIES?
Q: True or False Kiss burn CALORIES? If you kiss does the Calories is burn or no thanks
A: I think it would have to, because generally your heart beats faster so you’re burning more calories than you would if you were just standing there, surely.

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