How often should I workout

How often should I workout

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “How often should I workout”,you can compare them.

How often you should work out depends on your fitness level and goals. When first starting out 2- 3 times a weeks is good. As you improve and progress you can move on to daily workouts. Thanks for asking ChaCha. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How often should I workout
Well firstly, you may be wondering why going to the gym everyday will get you nowhere if you’re looking to build up size and strength. Ok, when you train your muscles hard at the gym with heavy weights you break down muscle tissue. So your …
Depending on your age, your health, your diet, and how long you’ve been doing it. If you go to a gym you can always ask one of the trainers for tips. You don’t have to pay them for it, and they’ll be happy to give you some pointers. You rea…
well it depends on how old you are and if you ever workout before. If you’ve never worked out before then you should workout 3 times a week. But if you are in your teen’s you can workout 5 times a week because your body will and should reco…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How often should I workout per week?
Q: I am an elite level hockey player and am looking to “get big” quick. I workout 5 times a week. Day 1-chest, Day 2-back, Day 3-rest, Day 4-arms, Day 5-shoulders, Day 6-legs, Day 7-rest. Along with working out I take protein as well as creatine. Am i working out too often or am I on the right track? Thanks.
A: getting big quick is a bodybuilding type work plan, also your split body part workout is body building material.For really good advice i would go to www.bodybuilding.comMake an account, state your goals, and ask for routines and advice.In my many years of exerience of college wrestling, mma fighting, rowing, and olympic lifting i would say you need a better split, but with the rest your fine.To become an even better athlete i would highly recommend doing olympic lifts (helped me tremendously during college wrestling). Power cleins, snatch, ect…Look into plyometrics too.But to answer your primary question, your not working out to much, a 5 day – 2 day rest schedule is about perfect as it gets…I would reccomend going on still and getting top level advice.
How often should I workout?
Q: I used to play rugby in my school/college days but after getting married have not been really that active. Lately though, I have started getting back into a workout routine. I am quite athletic naturally and put on weight very easily and also lose weight very quickly. When I workout I have noticed that I do not put on muscle but rather get toned and more defined. With that in mind, how often should I be exercising as I want to add a little mass to my body?
A: if you want to add mass to your body you need to eat more for a start, and train 3-4 days per week leaving a days rest inbetween for the muscles to repair and grow
How often should I workout my lower body?
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A: they are sore because lactic acid ferments in your muscles creating pain. you should let it heal for a day or two then continue with your routine. depending on what you want your results to be you should work your legs out every 3 days to let them heal as well.doing minimum amounts of sit ups everyday is fine becuase I know you dont want a huge 6 pack, but more of a finer tone. that is fine.after time your body will get used to the lactic acid build up in your muscles and you will get less sore, this is not an idicator though to work out even harder. it just indicates that you are well into your routine

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