What should you eat after you work out

What should you eat after you work out

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You should have a quick digesting protein and simple carbs. A nice protein shake with a piece of fruit is the way to go. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-should-you-eat-after-you-work-out ]
More Answers to “What should you eat after you work out
What to eat, AFTER a work out?
The protein drink is good, but if you have to eat bread, you should really avoid white bread. Simple carbs are not the type of carbs you want to take. You should have complex carbs instead, which you can get from whole wheat bread for insta…
What to Eat After Working Out?
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Is it better to eat before or after you work out?
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A: It doesn’t matter whether you eat before or after. Your body is going to need calories before and after.
What should i eat and/or drink after i work out?
Q: I am about 5’3″ – 5’4″ and i weigh about 130. I work out at the weightroom for approximately an hour, 4 days a week. I am not looking to lose weight i am trying to build muscle. What should i eat and or drink after a workout? I have heard that protein shakes have wayy to much protein and in the end your kidneys are just working too hard to get rid of the excess protein you dont use. I usually have like a bowl of cereal and 2 cups of milk after a workout.
A: Well about diets when working out I would recommend you this. Before every workout (about 30 minutes before) you should get some protein (20 grams) and also some slow digesting carbs as this will give you energy to have a better performance while lifting weights. After working out the best thing to do is to have some protein (30 grams) combined with some fast digesting carbs (50-60 grams) as this will create an insuline spike, which is great because this way your body will absorb all the protein and start to build muscle. About that protein shakes have way to much protein well that depends. It you get about 30 grams then your kidneys will have no problem procesing it, but if you get 50 or 60 grams then yes, your body will get rid of all the excess of protein. If you have any questions about nutrition or need any help with any other thing just msg me. Good luck!
I am starting to work out in the morning, should I eat breakfast before or after I work out?
Q: I will start working out here shortly before I go to work but I am not sure what’s best. Should I eat before I go work out? Or after? I usually eat a little bit of cereal and some fruit.
A: In my opinion, after you workout. That way your body can burn off stored calories. When you eat after a workout your body will use those calories to help repair muscle…….so eat protein after a work out.

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