What is the perfect measurement for a womans body

What is the perfect measurement for a womans body

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Bodies have different shapes, but an important health indicator is body fat percentage. For women it should be betweem 21%-31%. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-perfect-measurement-for-a-womans-body ]
More Answers to “What is the perfect measurement for a womans body
What are the measurements for the perfect womans body?
0.8 is the ideal ratio between waist and hips and waist and bust. If the ratio between these is even then this is considered hourglass, the preferred shape for women. Ratios can vary, they can be smaller than this, like 0.65 which just mean…

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What are the measurements for the perfect womans body?
Q: Not as in size 10 etc but how many inches bigger than your waist is ideal and what wasit size is ideal for bust size etc. It is for a project I am doing but cant find the info anywherethanksSveltna Fungirl – I am doing a project, why an earth would I say I was if I wasn’t???????
A: 0.8 is the ideal ratio between waist and hips and waist and bust. If the ratio between these is even then this is considered hourglass, the preferred shape for women. Ratios can vary, they can be smaller than this, like 0.65 which just means the shape is curvier. Or they can be larger, like 0.9 which would indicate a more straight, not so curvy shape.In order to be considered an hourglass the measurements between your waist-hips and waist-bust must be no less than (if I remember correctly) 9″. And the bust must be at the most 1″ smaller or larger than the hips in order to be called an hourglass. If the bust is 35 and the hips are 36, with the waist being at least 9 inches smaller this is an hourglass. However is the bust is 34 and the hips are 36, waist 9 or more inches smaller this is a pear shape, because the bust is more than 1 inch smaller than the hips. If the bust is larger by 2″ than the hips then this is getting into the inverted triangle shape.For your search you may want to try “ideal shapes”, “body ratios” (for women), or just the shapes in general such as hourglass, pear, etc.Just a little hint, people get confused when they give the bust measurement, most of them are giving the size of the band and not the whole circumference around the bust. A 36 bust would be one of these bra sizes…28G, 30E, 32D, 34B, or 36AA. So if the woman is wearing a size 36 band and has DD boobs, she is not a 36 for her bust but a 41, and if the rest of her measurements are 24-36, then this makes her an inverted triangle, not an hourglass because her bust is 5 inches larger than her hips. 41 (full bust measurement) – 36 (hips measurement) = 5.

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