What is the best exercise for your lower body

What is the best exercise for your lower body

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the best exercise for your lower body”,you can compare them.

The Squat, Lunge, Leg Extension, Leg Curl, Hip Abduction, Hip Adduction, and the Calf Raise are all good for your lower body. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-best-exercise-for-your-lower-body ]
More Answers to “What is the best exercise for your lower body
What are the best exercises for lower body fat percentages??
There is a training technique called hiit.It’s not for everyone but there has been tests to prove that this is a very beneficial way of training.And on average it takes no longer than 16 mins.Look it up on the internet.Good luck!
What is the absolute best exercise for the entire lower body??
Please read the recommendations below and go to this website for lower body exercises (animated pictures): http://www.exrx.net/Lists/Directory.html The following healthy living recommendations will help you if you’re trying to lose weight, …
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Yes they can, there are two options available for the lower body. Our first option is a standard pedal set with straps that go over the top of the foot. This is great for anyone that has the ability to keep up with the unit. The second opti…

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A: Yes it will, but be prepared for the ” binge” that will try like hell to follow it! That could cause you to gain more fat than you had to begin with.( but fasting for too long w/ extra strenuous workout may cause muscle spasms, cramping and side cramps)….why not try a ” fruit only” diet while your fasting…and 2 spoons of peanut butter before you excercise for protein…..
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Q: *without the use of machines/gizmos…I exercise very often (5+ times per week), but I’ve only recently (i.e., throughout the past three years) begun to specifically target my lower body. I run every other day in the summer; I also love to dance. I’m trying to develop greater coordination, endurance, and power in my legs. What are the best strength building lower body exercises? And on a side note, are there exercises that specifically strengthen knees?
A: lunges..and if you have a skateboard you can do squats against the wall with them. as for the knees having strong muscles around them should help stabilize them
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A: Speed Kata training 3 times a day 10 min per session. Try that it works!!

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