What is a kegel exercise? What is your PC muscle

What is a kegel exercise? What is your PC muscle

Health related question in topics Fitness Sexual Orientation .We found some answers as below for this question “What is a kegel exercise? What is your PC muscle”,you can compare them.

Kegel exercises are designed to increase muscle strength and elasticity in the pelvis. PC muscles are the pubococcygeus muscles. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-kegel-exercise%3F-what-is-your-pc-muscle ]
More Answers to “What is a kegel exercise? What is your PC muscle
Do Kegel’s (PC Muscle exercises) actually prolong sex??
They do, but so does a lot of other exercises. I’ve noticed as I’ve lost body fat and gained muscle, my performance has also increased. But, like any other exercise, if you stop doing it for a period of time, the effects will wear off. You …
How do you perform Kegel Exercises correctly? I want to work out …?
a routine i picked up has you squeeze for 5 seconds then rest for 2. do as many as you can until you can do 100 at a time. then squeeze and hold for a whole minute or however long you can, if it gets harder just squeeze harder. then hold a …
Are Kegel exercises for the PC (Pubococcygeus Muscle) muscles goo…?
Kegel escercises are usually done by women, and they can intensify the orgasm for both parties. Kegel , when done by men, is purported to make orgams last longer, by strenghtening the sphincter muscle.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Clarification on kegel (pc muscle) exercise?
Q: Can somebody plz let me how exactly the pc muscle is done. I have been doing this past 1 week, the max I can hold it is 1 sec, not sure I am doing it right? When doing the pc muscle exercise does the penis moves (goes up and down)? Is the pc muscle part of anus muscle, because I feel a contract in my anus. Am I doing it right?Plz clarify my doubt, does the penis and anus has the same muscle or they are 2 different muscle? Which muscle is the one that gives me better orgasm?yes, i am a guy and guys have PC muscle
A: Jess (above me) is absolutely wrong wrong wrong!!!! Do not listen. Men and women have PC muscles. The PC muscle is the muscle that holds in pee and stops it in mid flow. It should be natural to you. It takes longer than a week to work. The max is pretty low because 1 second is not long enough. The penis will move up and down if the pc muscle is strong and the penis is erect and sometimes also when soft. It does connect to the anus and close to the prostate too that is why u feel a contraction there. You are doing it right. Keep training. PC muscle does give better orgasms.
where is my pc muscle? How do i do kegel exercise?
Q: i went to the restroom and i stopped urinating and i think it is a little tube under my penis where it feels like some movement is going on dont really know how to explain it. but where is it and how do i do kegel exercise?? thankswhat do they mean by contract pc muscle
A: http://www.ehow.com/how_4785067_kegel-exercise-men.html?ref=fuel&utm_source=yahoo&utm_medium=ssp&utm_campaign=yssp_arthope this helps
Finding the PC muscle for kegel exercises?
Q: I think I’ve found the PC muscle but how can i be sure?When i tense it my abdomen goes in slightly, does this mean I’m tightening other muscles as well?I’ve tried that and I’ve tried flexing that muscle but my abdomen still goes in slightly.what am i doing wrong?
A: The easiest way to find your PC muscle is to stop the flow of urine while you are peeing. As you are peeing, intentionally stop the flow of urine. Do this several times until you can clearly feel the muscle you are using to stop the flow. This muscle is your PC muscle.

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