What do you in the 300 workout

What do you in the 300 workout

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300 workout: 25x Pull-up + 50x Deadlift @ 135# + 50x Push-up + 50x Box Jump @ 24″ box + 50x Floor Wiper @ 135# (one-count) +MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-do-you-in-the-300-workout ]
More Answers to “What do you in the 300 workout
What is the 300 Workout?
The 300 WorkoutWhat is the 300 workout? Well, anyone who has seen the movie 300 probably spent a lot of time admiring the man-bodies the movie had to serve up. Men with admiration, and women with…well…something. Immediately after the m…
How to Do Spartan 300 Workout
・ 1 This workout can be done at a gym or at home if you have the proper equipment. The workout is meant… ・ 2 Exercises and sets: pull ups- 25 reps dead lift- 50 reps push ups- 50 reps box jumps- 50 reps floor… ・ 3 certain exercises can …
How to Perform the 300 Rep Workout
The 300 rep workout, also known as the Spartan workout, is said to help you transform your body dramatically in just four months if performed each and everyday, just as prescribed. While this…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

how many calories (estimate) are burned in the “300 workout?”?
Q: the 300 workout is what the actors in the movie 300 did to help them prepare for the movie. if you dont know about it, please dont answer.Mike youre obviously either an idiot or have never done the workout before. Or both? Its mostly cardio, those guys had to get rid of all their bodyfat in order to look like that. its hardly muscle building at all. 135 pound deadlifts wouldnt build muscle on a 6 year old girl.
A: that workout is less about calorie burning and more about building muscle.
How often should I do a 300 workout?
Q: I weigh about 145-150 lbs. and I’m about 5’9″-5’10”. I’m a high school senior.
A: Its healthy and if you are in football its mandatory ,so Id say two times a week
How did the actors who played 300 get in a shape? Is there any book like 300 Spartan workout?
Q: I want to get in shape like those guys & is there any books out there that I could check out or a magazine?
A: getting down to single digit body fat is all about the diet. there are no magic training routines. exercise provides the stimulus to the muscles and CNS but the diet provides the nutrients that the body needs. the healthier the diet the greater and faster the results from exercise. going to the gym is the easy part

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