How is the 300 Workout done

How is the 300 Workout done

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The 300 Workout is done without scheduled rest between moves. These moves include 25 reps of pullups, 50 reps of deadlifts MORE [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How is the 300 Workout done
Would doing the 300 workout twice a week be a good method for los…?
You need a program were like wieght lifting and a good cardio workout to lose wieght.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Have you ever done the 300 workout?
Q: Its blows badly.
A: I wouldn’t doubt what Caitlyn said, but it is like running a marathon… when running a marathon your body is actually pushed so hard that many people begin bleeding through their pores. Personally, I don’t like weight rooms… everything is way to heavy. I prefer the Carmen Electra Striptease workouts. Look for it in your local GNC today.
how many calories (estimate) are burned in the “300 workout?”?
Q: the 300 workout is what the actors in the movie 300 did to help them prepare for the movie. if you dont know about it, please dont answer.Mike youre obviously either an idiot or have never done the workout before. Or both? Its mostly cardio, those guys had to get rid of all their bodyfat in order to look like that. its hardly muscle building at all. 135 pound deadlifts wouldnt build muscle on a 6 year old girl.
A: that workout is less about calorie burning and more about building muscle.
do i need to eat healthy for the “300” workout?
Q: So i know about the serious workouts done by the actors for the 300 Spartans movie, but what do i need to do…besides the workouts, for best results?
A: yeah you need to eat healthy otherwise you wont look any different. The workout is a combination of intense aerobic and anerobic exercising. If you are not eating enuff healthy food, u wont build any muscle. And if u overeat then you’ll just get fat. So figure out how many calories u need to eat (theres online calculators), and make sure the food you are eating is healthy. Also btw, did you know that “300” workout involving 300 reps of various exercises were just a test to complete after training. They actually didnt use that routine during their preparation. Some guys needed to gain weight, and doing htat workout would be sabotaging their goals. Of course some guys needed to lose fat too, so they probably did something similiar to that routine. But basicaally that “300 workout” you might have seen online or in a magazine was a test and not the actual training they went through. Nonetheless, its a good routine to get into.

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