What is a good workout to increase sprinting speed

What is a good workout to increase sprinting speed

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “What is a good workout to increase sprinting speed”,you can compare them.

Split squats 10 each leg , Rotational push-ups 8 each way, Bicycles 1×30 , Burpees 1×10, Military push-ups 1×10 (more) [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-good-workout-to-increase-sprinting-speed ]
More Answers to “What is a good workout to increase sprinting speed
How to Sprint On a Treadmill to Increase Your Running Speed, Spri…?
・ 1 When using a treadmill for speed it is important to maintain safety before you start a speed training… ・ 2 Do your normal warm up routines and stretching exercises before your start your sprinters workouts… ・ 3 As you start your spr…

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A: like try sprinting a mile if you can (not trying to be rude or anything just trying to help) and just run everyday if possible. and eat healthy. like try running every other day.
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A: This might be a bit extensive, but…http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/tomgreen.htm
To increase sprinting speed, weight training, plyometrics, or resistance training?
Q: I’m a sprinter and i’m looking for the best way to go about increasing my top speed. The workouts that i’ve been doing for a while are various plyometrics and sprinting while dragging a 60lb speed sled. Is this the way to go about getting faster? Or do you suggest weight training such as squats and calf raises. I guess my main question is whats the most beneficial way to go, weights, plys, or resistance?
A: Although you can benefit from all types of training, plyometrics would be the best choice for speed. It’s been used with track and field athletes in Europe as far back as 1920. Plyometric exercises can consist of skipping, hopping, and jumping in order to assist in developing lower-body strength, power, and speed. These exercises also aid in improving neural response, a very important component for quickness. Plyometrics help you maximize force and minimize the time it takes to achieve that force. In other words, it builds explosiveness. Weight training on the other hand, focuses on the magnitude of the force whereas plyometrics is primarily a focus on the speed of muscle contraction. There’s more to it than that and you can get more info at http://www.joggingspot.com but I hope that helps a bit.

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