What is the best female body proportion

What is the best female body proportion

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the best female body proportion”,you can compare them.

I like a girl with an athletic figure with a cute smile! It’s all preference though. ChaCha again soon. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-best-female-body-proportion ]
More Answers to “What is the best female body proportion
Do male cats have longer tails than female cats, in proportion to…?
Proportion-wide it would seem that the tail is longer, but if the entire cat is larger, so will be the tail – sometimes. It’s mainly genetics, the length of the bones in the tail, though a larger (mainly intact/un-neutered) male may be larg…
What are the “ideal” body proportions for a female??
Perfect. Scientists have discovered that the waist-hip ratio (WHR) is a significant factor in judging female attractiveness. Women with a 0.7 WHR (waist circumference that is 70% of the hip circumference) are usually rated as more attractiv…
How do the body proportions differ between adolescent males and f…?
Ready? Here goes: The female sternum is smaller, The sides of the male waist are a bit longer, The sides of the female waist are shorter and connect to the roundness of the hip, The female pelvis is wider, The female pelvis is positioned s…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Do male cats have longer tails than female cats, in proportion to their body size?
Q: My friend’s think I’m crazy but it seems like, of all the cats I’ve met (a lot, yes, cat lady), the male cats have longer tails than female cats in proportion to their bodies. Do any of you know? Other than relative size, what are the facts about cat sexual dimorphism?:)meow.
A: Proportion-wide it would seem that the tail is longer, but if the entire cat is larger, so will be the tail – sometimes. It’s mainly genetics, the length of the bones in the tail, though a larger (mainly intact/un-neutered) male may be larger boned.I have 6 cats, and the ones with the longest tails (I took out a ruler and measured them) belong to 2 of my girls; both which are mothers to two of my males (I’m a retired cat breeder). The largest of my cats actually has the shortest tail, proportion-wise to his body.The simple answer to the question would be ‘Maybe’
Ideal female body proportions?
Q: No matter what people say about having a good personality, I think we all look at the face and body first. So guys, what is the ideal female body proportions? [Barbie is not an option]I’m 98-100lb with 32Dz [natural], is that even normal?For the dude who asked.I’m 5″2 and I eat very healthy >.>”
A: There are women who would kill for your proportions. The ‘ideal’ proportions vary from man to man. Some like legs, some like a flat stomach, some like a sculpted tush, some like ample cleavage, one guy I knew was into well pedicured feet. I notice the eyes first, but that’s me. Grab 3 guys off the street and ask them to describe the perfect female body, and you will get 3 different answers.I know this doesn’t really help, but it’s the truth.
Hey guys (ladies welcome), Which Body Proportion Do You Like on a Female?
Q: Do you like stick thin women, curvy women, or full figured women?
A: Curvy/voluptuous women are the best! More men like curves than a stick.

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