How is garlic good for your heart

How is garlic good for your heart

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “How is garlic good for your heart”,you can compare them.

Garlic increases hydrogen sulfide which plays a role in reducing the risk of heart disease. Always Cha Cha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How is garlic good for your heart
Is garlic good for your heart?
It’s well-accepted and well-documented that garlic is good for your health. It thins your blood, lowers blood pressure, and protects against heart disease. But not all garlic and garlic supplements are alike. Some forms are better than othe…
Why Garlic is Good for the Heart
A new study claims to have cracked the mystery of why eating garlic can help keep the heart healthy. The key ingredient is allicin, which is broken down into the foul-smelling sulfur compounds which, unfortunately, taint breath. These compo…
Is garlic good for your heart and what are its nutritional benefi…?
Garlic has a variety of physiological properties, one of which is to act as an anticoagulant. It may also help to decrease cholesterol levels, plus it contains some antioxidants. There is some epidemiological evidence but it’s always hard t…

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Q: I was told by a friend to eat raw garlic that it’s good for the heart but it’s so hot that I can no longer withstand it. Can garlic also reduce blood pressure? Is mixed garlic and honey good for health?
Does Anyone know that Garlic is good for your Heart?
A: Yes, and the first girl is right. I cook almost ALL our meals with minced garlic and my husband and I don’t get sick anymore. Even though he used to always get sinus infections. Not anymore though. Garlic, doesn’t just take great – it’s great for you! 😉
Heard tht ginger,garlic apple cidar vinegar lime and honey mixed together are good for heart?
Q: some cardiologist said on TV that a cup of ginger juice ,garlic juice, lime juice and ACV when boiled and and the quantity reduced to 3cups and then cooled. After that add 3cups of honey . Is it good for heart blockage any idea about it???
A: I don’t know about ginger juice.But I know for sure that garlic and lime help unclog arteries.

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