Is on the elliptical machine or the treadmill better for losing weight

Is on the elliptical machine or the treadmill better for losing weight

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “Is on the elliptical machine or the treadmill better for losing weight”,you can compare them.

Once you get used to the elliptical trainer, It’s better than a treadmill. It’s easier on the joints & gives a balanced workout. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is on the elliptical machine or the treadmill better for losing weight
What is better for losing weight and getting in shape an Elliptic…?
Personal preference for me is the Elliptical. For me, it works not only for my cardio work out, but also works my arms, legs and upper back.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

For losing weight, which is better elliptical machine or treadmill?
Q: ok I run for 35 minutes at around a 6mph then everyy 5 minutes sprint 7.5 or 8 mph. i burn about over 300 cals. Yet, if I use the elliptical trainer even that long, i burn like 500 cals. What’s the deal? Am i really burning more? I always felt like i worked harder on the treadmill, but maybe the resistance of the elliptical trainer is better?Anyone have any personal experiences having better results with one machine or another? Thanks!
A: I actually use both alternatively. I would use the treadmill one week and the elliptical machine the next week. Variety is the spice of life. But, I would use it in a circuit training way. Here is a great and effective circuit training using a treadmill. Walk for 2 minutes (as a warm-up), jog for 2 minutes, run hard for a minute, then jog for 2 minutes, run hard for a minute, etc…do this for about 20-23 minutes. This works great.This is just a start. Keep working out and eating properly.Good Luck.JJwww.bestabexercisesonline.com
What is better for losing weight, running on treadmill or elliptical machine?
A: I have found that erging works very well. It works every muscel in your body. The only problem is, its very expenceive to buy one but the website has a list of health clubs in w/e area owns one. In case you dont know an erg is a rowing machine. After rowing 4000 meters i lost 4 pounds after 15 mins. so it does work. here is a website for you
What is better for losing weight and getting in shape an Elliptical machine or a treadmill?
A: Personal preference for me is the Elliptical. For me, it works not only for my cardio work out, but also works my arms, legs and upper back.

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