Is it bad to take naps

Is it bad to take naps

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “Is it bad to take naps”,you can compare them.

Napping is good for the body. You will probably be more productive when you arise, and you could even live longer for it. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it bad to take naps
Is it bad to take naps?
Oh yeah, that’s why Spain and most of Central and South American is dying off rapidly, because they siesta. What do you think?
Is it bad to take naps with contacts in?
It’s not a good habit, but it’s not the end of the world, either. If you follow good habits by taking them out every night and cleaning them properly, not overwearing them by having them in for excessive hours each day or stretching the len…
Where is the worst place to take a nap?
When I first read your question, “train track” immediately jumped into my mind! When I read your article about the man who slept on the train track and lived even though a train ran over him, I am not so sure! Still, I’ll say “…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is it bad if you take naps with contact lenses on?
Q: I always take a nap during the day after work, I’m just so tired that I don’t even have the strenght left to take out my contacts. I only nap for about 10-40 minutes. Is it bad for my eyes? If so, how bad?
A: Yes, oxygen is being block from going in.
Is it bad to take naps during the day at 23 years old?
Q: I take a nap or even two naps a day I always feel tired. Should I try and stay up all day, or just keep taking my naps???
A: Napping is cool. But I would mention it to your doctor. I was tired all the time and found out I was anemic low iron once I got on supplements I felt better. That may not be the case but I would still ask your doctor.
Is it good or bad to take naps during the day?
Q: i know its a stupid question but really is it good for my body or should i be more active? i usually get sleepy around afternoon for some reason…
A: Einstein was known for takng small naps during his day. He felt it helped him to be more clear headed, creative and productive.Maybe he was right, look at everything he invented and contributed to the world.When we were kids, most of us were forced to take naps, then they made us grow up 🙁

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