How do you get your body fat percentage lower

How do you get your body fat percentage lower

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In order to lower your body fat percentage, you need to create a calorie deficit. This means that you need to burn more calories than you take in. To do this you need to combine exercise with diet to burn off maximum fat in as little time as possible. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you get your body fat percentage lower
Why can’t i get my body fat percentage any lower??
First off you are a female. Females are naturally have a higher body fat percentage than men do. This is due to women having breasts and having larger butts than the average man. It’s jsut genetics. Also, judging by your small display pictu…
Does Fat Loss Become Harder as Your Body Fat Percentage Gets Lowe…?
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Does a lower body fat percentage affect your mood?
Q: I have lost a lot of weight/body fat in the last year and I feel more stressed. Ive lost my period due to intense training for a fitness competition. I worry that I am getting rather depressed and impatient. Is it possible for low body fat to be the culprit or am I just obsessing too much about having the perfect body to bring home the trophy. Thanks in advance. ( I am a female and my body fat is 10%)
A: I doubt it’s the body fat percentage, it’s more likely to be what you did to get there. I used to be a boxer, and I cut down to 6% body fat (as a heavyweight) for the season. I did it pretty much by eating nothing and working out all the time. And I got WIERD! I found myself tearing up, ready to cry, because of an American Express commerical. Turns out that all the exercise plus the lack of food had my blood sugars running rampant, with severe swings. Plus my body’s mineral content was all screwed up, even though I was taking multivitamins. You’re probably suffering from low blood sugar, depression and anxiety are common when your blood sugar dips too low. Try getting some of the test strips diabetics use, and regulating your sugars a little more closely. It worked for me.
What did you do to lower your body fat percentage?
Q: I am about 5’3, 106 lbs, and 16 year old girl. So my weight is fine… I exercise and watch what I eat. I have lost a lot of previous weight in the past year. However, I was just wondering on ways to lower my body fat percentage, yet not lose weight! Thanks
A: i workout a lot, play soccer, and eat healthy.
what should my body fat percentage be and how do you lower your body fat percentage?
Q: I checked online and it said my body fat percentage was 20%. Im 5’4, weigh 115 pounds, my waist is 26, and my hips are 36 inches.I was wondering how much my body fat percentage should be inorder to be able to see my abs. I heard u have to get it down to like 10-15% .. how do you get it down that low?
A: Body fat % has very little to do with being able to see your abs. You need to work out and tone up, not build muscle. You lower your body fat by exercising both cardio and strength training. If you start strength training DO NOT COUNT HOW MANY MOVEMENTS YOU DO, DO NOT COUNT REPS AND DO NOT LOOK AT THE CLOCK. If you pick up a full can of soup in each hand, use them for toning your arms. Do both arms together as you will be wasting time to do one at a time. Same with any leg toning. Do both legs at the same time. If you ride a bike, keep riding until your ready to throw-up… seriously. Eat a lot of carbs like pasta.

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