Are sit ups or crunches better for your abs

Are sit ups or crunches better for your abs

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “Are sit ups or crunches better for your abs”,you can compare them.

Sit ups are pretty worthless for your abs. As long as you do crunches properly, they’re best for your abs. Ask ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Are sit ups or crunches better for your abs
Do sit ups or crunches work your abs better?
if your technique for either is good then sit-ups work your upper abs more while crunches work the lower- therefore it is best to do the two in combination as part of your workout- perhaps on alternating days so your body can rest & rec…
Which is better for you abs, sit ups or crunches?
Crunches (sit ups are stupid!) but neither are the best ab exercises. If you must do crunches then I suggest vertical or reverse crunches. To do a vertical crunch: Lie flat on the floor with your lower back pressed to the ground. Put your h…
How to showcase better abs without crunches/sit ups
Truth be told, we all desire a flat, sexy midsection. For this reason, you see people by the masses doing a endless amount of crunches or sit-ups, in hopes that the area they’re trying to target will get the job done. I can’t tell you h…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

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Q: Not only what is better but what is the best form of sit-up/crunch to do? I know there are a lot of forms but i only know how to do a few of them. Please explain how to do your type. Thanks a lot.
A: crunches ….
What is better for your abs crunches or sit-ups?
A: crunchessit ups give the same results, but often cause lower back pain and injury
What is better for getting abs sit ups and crunches?
Q: I prefer crunches because sit ups don’t give as much a burn? what do you thinkthanks mike Ill try it
A: Definitely crunches. They target your abs, but don’t put the extra pressure on your back that a sit up does. Also, crunches with a dumbbell held across your chest are excellent at develping abs.

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