What is another ab workout

What is another ab workout

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “What is another ab workout”,you can compare them.

The exercise ball is an excellent tool to strengthen abs .With the exercise ball you can do crunches more effectively. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-another-ab-workout ]
More Answers to “What is another ab workout
Is Ab Rocket good workout machine? Or it’s just another fake out …?
Nikki – I have the Ab Rocket, and I do like it. I ordered it online a few months ago for $64.95 and that included free shipping. One REALLY important thing, is that you have to watch the CD that comes with it. It’s completely necessary. I b…
Do you know another and good side and middle ab workouts??
Try doing planks. It looks easy, but when you actually do them and try to hold the position for a couple of minutes you can feel the burn.
Is there another workout i can do to exercise them more? bottom 2…?
Make sure when you are doing reverse crunches, you are not just swinging your legs up and down I see 99% of people doing this at the gym, take your time and focus on contracting your abs as your knees hit your chest, instead of doing 20 do …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

I do sit-ups and workout alot. Do you know another and good side and middle ab workouts?
A: Try doing planks. It looks easy, but when you actually do them and try to hold the position for a couple of minutes you can feel the burn.
How would i know my ab workout is working?
Q: i have a little fat around my stomach area, although im working out burning it off. now, ive been doing ab workouts (sit-ups and all) and most people tell me i cant see my abs unless all the fat are gone. what is another way to know you have abs without plain observation?
A: Get on the scales regularly and make sure that you have a sensible diet which, combined with regular exercise you trim down slowly. Not too much alcohol and plenty of water should ensure that combined with your ab workout your body shape will begin to improve.
Ab workout for a teenage boy
Q: Im close to a 6 pack. But i was wondering if hula hooping is a good idea for boys. Im 13 btw. I do the 2 min ab workout alot. Another problem is that the top right ab right below my right pec is bigger then the left one. Its very odd because my crunching form is straight. Need help please.
A: Its near impossible and almost futile to try to keep up a 6pack through the ages of 13-16 since your body is changing so much. As for the one muscle being larger than the other, just keep doing ab-related work outs and they should balance, its not really uncommon. I would reccomend getting into somekind of track sports, thats the best way all around to stay in shape as you get through your teens.

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