What does it mean to be physically fit

What does it mean to be physically fit

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “What does it mean to be physically fit”,you can compare them.

Physical fitness is the body’s ability to complete day-to-day activities without becoming too sore, without becoming too tired, and without getting out of breath. ChaCha again! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-it-mean-to-be-physically-fit ]
More Answers to “What does it mean to be physically fit
What does it mean to be physically “fit?” Physical fitness is defined as “a set of attributes that people have or achieve that relates to the ability to perform physical activity” (USDHHS, 1996). In other words, it is mo…
For some, being physically fit means having the strength and endurance necessary to win a marathon; for others, it is simply to finish. While some want to be able to compete at a professional level; most agree that being physically fit mean…
Physically fit children have the energy to get through their day with vigor and alertness. Physical fitness includes “health-related fitness,” which is endurance, muscular strength, flexibility and body composition. It also includ…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What does it mean to be physically fit?
Q: I want to know EXACTLY what it means to be physically fit.
A: Well.. keep in mind, “fat” is NOT healthy.. an ideal body has little fat and more muscle.. for women, to be “physically fit” means to have no fat and more lean muscle. nice shaped legs, slim hips, and a firm waist.for men, you can have an athletic figure like Michael Phelps and you can have a muscular figure like american football players..what you can’t have is what I have, a little layer of “dough” all around your muscle tissue. i only weigh 160 lbs. but not much of it is muscle, therefore…I am NOT physically fit
Does Being Un-Flexible Mean Your Not Physically Fit?
Q: does being un-flexible mean your not physically fit? or is it just to do with natural ablitly?thanks xx
A: no, you can be born more flexible than others, but you can also exercise and become more flexible…….this has nothing to do with physical fitness…. I’m very flexible, but totally unfit!!!
What do people mean by Physically Fit?
Q: What type of sport can help you be Physically Fit?
A: Physically fit is always relative, but aim to never let poor fitness stop you from doing anything you want to do.Any aerobic exercise will help. Running is one of the easiest and cheapest ways to get and stay fit. Aim to be a bit out of breath but not gasping for air to start with. Sometimes a heart rate monitor (HRM) will help because it’ll tell you whether you’re in an exercise zone that is strengthening your heart or burning fat or just plain killing yourself! They’re pretty cheap off eBay.It’s always hard for the first couple of weeks, but if you keep a record, you’ll be amazed at how much you improve in a short time – I went from not being able to walk through a back op to sprint triathlons and mountain marathons in about seven months.The main thing is to find something you enjoy doing. Soon, the endorphins will get involved and you’ll enjoy it more.Good luck.

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