What are some workouts that work the lower abs

What are some workouts that work the lower abs

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Bringing the cable up and away in a chopping motion while keeping your feet still and rotating your trunk will exercise your MORE [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-workouts-that-work-the-lower-abs ]
More Answers to “What are some workouts that work the lower abs
What are some good workouts to work your upper and lower abs?
Crunches, sit ups and reverse crunches. Type ‘ab workouts’ in Google (or even youtube if you want videos) and loads will pop up.
What are some great workouts for working inner thighs and lower a…?
A great way to strengthen both is to do a kickboxing class. I attend one 60 mins class in the gym and I can feel that I have worked very muscle in my legs and arms, and abs too because you constantly have to keep your balance to do the kick…
How to do Lower Abs Workouts
How to do lower ab workout – Learn how to do lower abs workouts.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are some good lower abs workouts and do bicycle crunches help lower abs or just top abs?
Q: Weights are accesible. I want a workout that works primarily the lower abs.
A: I’ve been using the truth about abs program, and it’s been workinggreat. my abs are getting more defined each week. it actually usesunusual exercises like front squats, military rows, overhead squats,mountain climbers, and a bunch of others to work your abs harder fromdifferent angles and lose fat quicker…http://fatstomachworkout.com/whatever you do, don’t waste your time with crunches andsitups…there’s much better stuff out there. good luck!
How can i work my lower abs+other ab workouts.?
Q: What are some lower ab workouts and other ab workouts that i can do to flatten my stomach. and what foods should i eat to help me with this.
A: Any sexual position that requires the guy to be standing and you to be bouncing.
what are some good work outs for the abs, obliques and lower abs?
Q: whats some good workouts for the lower abs and good dieting tips? help is appreciated
A: This is my work-out routine. All of it burns off the fat and the two days of abs works the mucles. As for the diet, don’t eat white rice or flour. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables, and drink plenty of water. Stay far, far away from sodas and junk food. Anything that come in a bag, can, or wrapper is probably really unhealthy. Work Out PlanMonday: 2 miles on the treadmill. Weights in front 10x, side 10x, behind head 15x (repeat 3x). Push-ups. Pull-ups. Tuesday: 2 miles on the treadmill.10 lunges per leg. 10 squats x3. Wednesday: 2 miles on the treadmill.15×3 crunches on yoga ball.30×2 normal crunches. 15×3 front leg lifts. 5×3 knees-to-chest machine.Thursday: 2 miles on the treadmill. Weights in front 10x, side 10x, behind head 15x (repeat 3x). Push-ups. Pull-ups. Friday: 2 miles on the treadmill. 10 lunges per leg. 10 squats x3. Saturday: 2 miles on the treadmill. 15×3 crunches on yoga ball. 30×2 normal crunches. 15×3 front leg lifts. 5×3 knees-to-chest machine.Sunday: 2 miles on the treadmill.

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