Does stretching make you faster

Does stretching make you faster

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “Does stretching make you faster”,you can compare them.

Speed for Sports uses both dynamic mobility stretching for warm-ups, and static stretching for gains in flexibility. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does stretching make you faster
Do stretching make you jump higher and faster?
Yes, increasing flexibility by stretching is one of many factors that helps you jump higher. Besides stretching, other important variables involved to maximize your vertical jumping includes improving strength, reducing body fat, proper nut…
Does doing yoga and stretching your feet really make your feet gr…?
yoga doesn’t but i am a foot doctor so i can help if you upload some pictures of your feet or send me an email with your feet pictures to [email protected]
How can i make stretch marks go away faster?
you probably lost weight way to fast-there really is no faster way, just keep doing what your doing-and dont be self conquence about them it totally actually probably lost weight way to fast and thats what happens. my friend has…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Does stretching make you learn sports’ techniques faster almost overnight?
Q: I heard this is true, from make articles it said that this is most likely from many studies of stretching because it improves joint movement and range of motion……. Do you guys think this is true or no it’s crazy and practicing makes perfect for year long?
A: hmmmm, i’ve been practicing sports techniques for like 3 years, stretching everytime… i’m not perfect, i didn’t learn it overnight.THERES NO SHORTCUTSor else thered be a lot more professional athletes in the worldstretching is important, but it won’t give you amazing results in your coordination skills
Does doing yoga and stretching your feet really make your feet grow faster?
Q: I have the SMALLEST foot ev!! And all my friends fit in to cosch shoes and that stuff. Is there anyway to make my feet grow faster?!? plzz i need help!! THX!!!!
A: yoga doesn’t but i am a foot doctor so i can help if you upload some pictures of your feet or send me an email with your feet pictures to [email protected]
Does stretching everyday help you Grow faster?
Q: I’m 16 years old going to be 17, and am 6’2 i wanna grow two more inchs.what can i do? does stretching help?
A: yes

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