What are dumbbell rows

What are dumbbell rows

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A dumbbell row is a type of work out. To prepare for it you kneel over side of bench by placing knee and hand of supporting arm on bench. Position foot of opposite leg slightly back to side. Grasp dumbbell from floor. Pull dumbbell to side until it (MORE?) [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-dumbbell-rows ]
More Answers to “What are dumbbell rows
How to Do Dumbbell Rows
・ 1 Begin by selecting a proper weight for you to row. The weight should be something that you can do for… ・ 2 Start with the dumbbell on the floor next to the weight bench, on the side of the arm that you plan… ・ 3 Once you are holding…
Is one thing of dumbbell rows enough to build up lats?
You can gradually build up to 6 sets or more
Why does it hurt when i do Dumbbell upright rows?
You may have a rotator cuff problem. Do some medial/lateral rotations on a cable machine to sort it out, and drop uproght rows for the time being. Hope this helps.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is one thing of dumbbell rows enough to build up lats?
Q: I usually just do 3 sets of 12 reps dumbbell rows with pretty good weight levels on each dumbbell. Is that sufficient to increase my lats? I dont have access to pull up bars. Should I do another 3 sets in the same work out?
A: You can gradually build up to 6 sets or more
Sharp shoulder pain from dumbbell rows. What might it be?
Q: Yesterday, after doing 4 sets of dumbbell rows at a higher weight than usual, I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder that has persisted throughout today. There is no swelling, and there is no pain when my shoulder is not moving, but definitely is when I move it around. Any ideas what might have happened?
A: Could be a few things. If it is from stressing the muscle in a new way, which is the point of weight lifting, it could just be muscle soreness (or DOMS-delayed onset muscle soreness). However, I’m going to assume you know the difference. If it is in the front of the shoulder it could be increased stress/strain and perhaps tendinitis of the long head of the biceps. Deltoid strains are quite rare. Additionally if it is the back of the shoulder, you may have overworked your rotator cuff muscles causing some tendinitis or impingement. Give it some time to subside, move it gently and take some over the counter anti-inflammatories (ibuprofen, naproxen sodium) as directed on the bottle. I wouldn’t use heat as it increases inflammation and you will want to do the opposite of that. Therefore, ice, which decreases inflammation, would be best. Use a gel pack over the shoulder for 15-20 mins a few times a day. If it continues beyond 3-5 days you should see an orthopedic doctor and likely a physical therapist. Good luck.
Why does it hurt when i do Dumbbell upright rows?
Q: I use heavy dumbells because i wana gain size, Ive studied the form backwards and front and even a personal trainer says im doign it right, why does it still really strain and hurt my shoulders?
A: Because upright rows are just about the worse exercise you can do for shoulder health. You’ll be far better off if you drop them completely.

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