How fast is the fastest treadmill

How fast is the fastest treadmill

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “How fast is the fastest treadmill”,you can compare them.

The Home Treadmill Series Z5.5 has the highest top speed in that brand of treadmills. ChaCha again! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How fast is the fastest treadmill
Is the Noramco NF4616HRT 16 MPH Edition Treadmill the fastest tre…?
to find this out you can just try comparing it to other treadmills top speeds. but going at the top speed on a treadmill is very dangrous because it is very easy to fall off going to fast and also it is harder to press buttons on the treadm…
How fast can you run a mile on a treadmill?
I would suggest not running on a treadmill. Instead, try running on a track or see if you can map out a one-mile course in your neighborhood. My fastest recorded mile time is 5:02. I’ve been running for 2 years.
What is the fastest mile ever run on a treadmill?
Treadmills are hard to run fast on because you’ll keep bumping into it. Also every runner I’ve ever met hates treadmills. Serious athletes just don’t use them. They are really only for people trying to stay in shape.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is the Noramco NF4616HRT 16 MPH Edition Treadmill the fastest treadmill on the market today?
Q: If there is a treadmill faster then the Noramco NF4616HRT 16 MPH Edition Treadmill on the market today could you please direct me to it?
A: to find this out you can just try comparing it to other treadmills top speeds. but going at the top speed on a treadmill is very dangrous because it is very easy to fall off going to fast and also it is harder to press buttons on the treadmill or to stop it.if you want to find information about it on the internet then just type it into google search and look at the results.
what is the fastest mile ever run on a treadmill?
Q: fastest mile time ever ran on a treadmill. fastest mile time. treadmill.
A: Treadmills are hard to run fast on because you’ll keep bumping into it. Also every runner I’ve ever met hates treadmills. Serious athletes just don’t use them. They are really only for people trying to stay in shape.
How fast does a treadmill need to go to get a 5 minute mile time or lower?
Q: I want to be able to run a mile in 5 minutes (or less)Right now I have a like 7 minute mile, I do go jogging in my neighborhood but people drive crazy and the hills are enormous.So I want a treadmill; how fast does it need to be able to go to get what I want??
A: To get a 5 minute mile the treadmill needs to go 12 mph.

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