How does muscle work

How does muscle work

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “How does muscle work”,you can compare them.

Contraction of skeletal muscle is initiated when an action potential traveling down a motor neuron reaches the…MORE? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How does muscle work
How does Muscle work?
MUSCLE promotes the anabolic condition in a manner similar to steroids. Where steroids retain nitrogen, MUSCLE delivers and inhibits the loss of nitrogen, which prevents the breakdown, or loss of lean muscle tissue. Further, MUSCLE minimize…
Does Muscle Milk work?
NO. its full of chemicals like acesulfame potassium and its primarily a soy protein base. use a natural whey based shake or onesource optimal nutrition shake and stay away from anything in a plastic bottle because its full of chemical prese…
Why do skeletal muscle work in pairs?
Skeletal muscles work in pairs because muscles can only contract (pull) and cannot expand (push). Thus, if you want to move one direction, you use one set of muscles and to move in the opposite direction you use the corresponding set of mus…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How does delayed onset muscle soreness work?
Q: Delayed onset muscle soreness. Is it a sign or something that the muscle experiencing it is becoming stronger? Anyway, i heard if you do warm ups before some strenuous exercise it’ll be reduced. But does that actually reduce muscle fitness gained?Oh yes, are push ups eccentric or concentric contractions?
A: I’m a Cert. Nutritionist and this is what I tell my clientel.Numerous things are taking place after working out the muscles. Have you heard of the saying “rip and repair?”Make sure you repair your muscles with what they’re made of. Protein (aminos) and vitamins. Lack of can cause a catabolic reaction, the break down of tissue. You’re muscles eat themselves. Exercise causes you to use more nutrients than someone sitting on the couch. The mineral magnesium is needed to help the muscles relax and aid in recovery. Women really need this to help relax their cramping, contracting muscles at that time of the month. Get magnesium from food in dark leafy veggies (ie spinach, greens) and nuts, esp. almonds (higher than greens!). Another reason for delayed soreness is lactic acid. Do this: Rub the palms of your hands together real fast. What is happening is heat, caused by friction. If you kept doing this you would possibly get a blister. Inside the blister is a liquid, lactic acid, that doesnt hurt until popped. When oxygen hits it it burns. This same reaction takes place in the muscles but there arent the blisters and the oxygen is already there to help cause the burn. Glutamine, an amino, can help neutralize this pain. Even buffed, muscular people who work out often can get this esp. when they change up the way they move a muscle group. Like changing the position/direction with your hands when you were rubbing them together. When you work out you need to think differently. Not “what can I do to be anabolic (build up muscle)” but “what can you do to prevent catabolic (break down)”. Make sure you get your protein, aminos and antioxidants. Timing is important too. It is proven that 45 mins into your workout that your muscles want to recover. Working out longer can be more harm than good, making you become catabolic. You can prevent this if you want ot work out longer. Just passify your muscles with apx 10grams of protein diluted in a water bottle at the 45 min mark. After the workout do apx 40g (most guys can handle per serving, 25g for women) in a powder/liquid form. (More is not better. Too much protein can become stored fat) Food takes 2-3 hrs to breakdown and get to the muscles and then they are already catabolic. Drink plenty of water and try to say away from caffeine which 1) dehydrates you 2) is a vaso-constrictor (shrinks blood vessels diameter 3) depletes your minerals esp. the much needed magnesium (girls, that’s why they tell you to stay away from caffeine at that time of the month). You want your muscles to dialate, open up, so nutrients get to muscles for improved recovery. Hence NO2 supplements. Yes, soreness is a sign of recovery. If you aid the recovery as mentioned you will notice increased strength. Remember, taking more protein doesn’t make you bigger, justs aids recovery and preventing loss of muscle. Heavier weights do, “rip and repair” more. Lack of protein can make you smaller. Best of luck and enjoy your veggies! :o)
does running on grass burn more calories or work different muscle groups than roads?
Q: I run cross country and it seems like I am a lot more tired after a workout on grass than a workout on roads. I know grass is softer on joints, but are there any other benefits? Does it burn more calories? Does it work different muscles? How many more calories does it burn?
A: Grass does take more effort to run on than pavement. The uneven terrian will work a few more muscles in your leg (not many) to keep you stable. Grass takes more effort and produces slower times than road running because the ground is softer and absorbs impact or force more, so while great for preventing injuries-not so good for speed. A person probably expends more calories on grass vs road but unless your running a marathon the difference probably isn’t much.
Does muscle and weight gain powder actually work?
Q: I am currently doing a workout program to build muscle. My current BMI is at 18.5 so i am borderline underweight/in weight, and i eat plenty but never seem to put on weight so getting muscle and weight gain powder is an option i have been considering but wasn’t sure if it would actually work.
A: Yes it does work. But at your current BMI level that shows you have a high metabolism rate what that means is when you eat your food gets processed faster than normal and don’t worry it is natural everyone either has high low or medium metabolism rate. to use Muscle Gain Powders it is an idea . and also make sure you research the brands more me personally i used maxi muscle which is a great brand with a lot of choices. do keep in mind that a good diet is required for MGP to work and when you do use them make sure you exerciser because if you don’t exercise and you still use them the whole of the proteins and minerals and everything that is in MGP will go straight to fat. Good luck hope i helped. have a look at they’re offers

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