How do I get bigger arms

How do I get bigger arms

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “How do I get bigger arms”,you can compare them.

Work your biceps by doing seated bicep curls. Work your forearms by seated wrist curls and behind the back curls. ChaCha on! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do I get bigger arms
I’m a hard-gainer, and my arms are my most difficult part to get to grow, I have found a few principles that are making my arms finally grow. Biceps: First, I find that the lower part of the rep is where I get the best results, that is, fro…
・ 1 Skull Crushers: Sit down on a bench with back support. Keep your feet flat on the floor and carefully… ・ 2 Raise the dumbbell straight up until your arms are almost locked. Hold this position for a second before… ・ 3 Perform 8-12 re…
Well first, you’ll need to understand that there is no ‘fast’ way. I’m assuming you’ve joined a gym or have access to some form of weight. If you want to concentrate on increasing the size of your arms, focus on anything that stimulates the…

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A: To gain weight there is some very raw advice, eat more than you can possibly shit out, 5 meals a day and eating before sleeping, worked for me.Don’t do gym, you gain no cardio or power in it, you only get lifting more weights, besides you can’t push yourself as much as someone else can, start some muay thai or judo or both, that’s where you’ll get practical muscle.
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Q: See I do 10 sets of 25 push ups every 3 days a week then i take a day break (but now i dont even feel as sore). But ever since i ben doing this my arms only got a little bigger (and ive ben doing it for 6 months) and now it seems my arms arent getting bigger. Does anybody have any workouts or tips that i can follow to get my arms bigger quickly?SHOULD I DO ALL MY SETS MILITARY STYLE? WOULD THAT MAKE A DIFFERENCE (EXPERIENCE????)IM SKINNY AND WEIGH 150 5’8 16-age…
A: Push-ups are not really designed to make the biceps that much bigger. Push-ups can be more intense by changing the hand positions and placing the feet up on a bench when you do the push-upArms…….pull-ups and dips on a chair/bench. Truthfully after 250 push-ups in one day you have great endurance in the muslces but to build mass you need to increase the resistance. Adding weight is the best way……….like with a weight vest or belt with weights.
If i want to get bigger arms rather than definition how much should i curl?
Q: Im 14 turning 15 this december, I started off a few months ago using 10lbs doing 80reps. I saw results with definition but my arm didnt get that much bigger. I want big arms, how much should i curl for my age to get to my goal? Be reasonable. Im soon-to-be 15!
A: Heavy weight and low reps. Bump it to 25 lbs (or whatever you can handle) and do 3 sets of 10-15 reps. Do that for 4 weeks and than up the weight. You can also try pyramids. Increase the weight with each set and pump out what you can. Keep 10 reps as your goal.

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