When you donate blood do you gain weight

When you donate blood do you gain weight

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “When you donate blood do you gain weight”,you can compare them.

No, you will actually loose a little weight from donating blood. ChaCha [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/when-you-donate-blood-do-you-gain-weight ]
More Answers to “When you donate blood do you gain weight
Does donating blood make you gain weight?
Donating blood does not make you gain weight! Donating blood is extremely important. The Red Cross is at an all time low of blood products at the moment and every single donation makes a difference. The blood that you donate can be used for…
Is it true that when you donate blood you will gain weight??
No this is not true. If you are underweight, have low iron or blood pressure they will not let you donate. You actually lose a lot of calories when you donate blood, its healthy because it makes your body produce fresh blood. If you want to…
Will I gain weight from donating blood?
No, you will actually loose a little weight.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is it true that you gain weight when you donate blood?
Q: I donated blood today for the first time and I was toldthat I was going to gain weight by somone.Is this true?
A: Nope. It won’t happen. You gain weight because of consuming calories and fat, not by losing a pint of blood. Whoever said that to you gave you some seriously wrong information. Please tell me it wasn’t one of the Red Cross volunteers at the donation center!
Is it true that when you donate blood you gain weight?
A: No that is false. I donated for years and it never effected me. I recently started back and I haven’t felt any change.YOu could feel weak right after giving blood but it will not harm you and is beneficial in that you get a your blood pressure checked free.
Does donating blood make you gain weight?
Q: Hi. I dont remember who told me, if it was my mom or my aunt, but they told me not to donate blood all the time since it can make you gain weight. I donate almost every time they go to my college, which is every six months or so. Are there any bad sides to donating blood or can it actually be good for you ? Also, what do they to with the blood you donate? Thanks!
A: Donating blood does not make you gain weight! Donating blood is extremely important. The Red Cross is at an all time low of blood products at the moment and every single donation makes a difference. The blood that you donate can be used for three different purposes (red blood cells, plasma, and platelets), just depending on what the recipient needs at the time of transfusion. Since one unit of blood that someone donates can be divided into these three categories, every time you donate, you are helping to save three different lives.

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