What work out is good for the pecks

What work out is good for the pecks

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “What work out is good for the pecks”,you can compare them.

Chest Workouts and Exercises to build massive pecs. Chest Workouts for Beginners and Advanced. Weak point and Priority Training to build a chest you can keep a glass on. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-work-out-is-good-for-the-pecks ]
More Answers to “What work out is good for the pecks
What’s a good way to work your pecks?
pushups of all kinds (feet or hands raised on platform, hands far apart or close, clap, etc) barbell presses dumbbell presses and flys cable presses and flys flat, incline, or decline for all presses and flys
What is a good work out plan to build muscle in your pecks and ab…?
Yeah dude, just keep going with the cardio. I prefer doing interval training (working at near maximum capacity, then breaking, then working at max again). Google it if you want, there’s more info. Do calisthenics, push-ups, crunches, those …
Does anyone have any good lifting techniques with two 4kg dumbell…?
Wing muscles? That will be your Latissimus Dorsi, or Lats. The best exercise I can think of for working this group of muscles is to stand with the weigts by your side, andraise your arms laterally, as in lift them so you look like a T-Shap…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is a good work out plan to build muscle in your pecks and abs?
Q: I walk 3 miles every other day so far just to burn fat
A: Yeah dude, just keep going with the cardio. I prefer doing interval training (working at near maximum capacity, then breaking, then working at max again). Google it if you want, there’s more info. Do calisthenics, push-ups, crunches, those sort of things. However, pace yourself. You don’t get bigger from working out, you get muscle when you rest, so plan out rest days.Make sure to eat properly too. You can’t be lean and fit eating McDicks and drinking Pepsi everyday.But dude, 100-push ups a day? All at once, or what?
How do you work out your Chest/Pecks without doing pushups?
Q: How do you work out your Chest/Pecks without having to do pushups or having to get a weight set and such?
A: Bench Press, inclined and flatFliesArmband StretchLying Overhead ExtensionsHere you can see all possible variations on chest exercises:http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/exercises.php?MainMuscle=ChestBTW, why don’t you want to do pushups?
How can I work out my pecks?
Q: I don’t have a weight set, or any type of gym equipment at home. I want to work out my pecks and I am wondering what type of exercises can I do at home.
A: Push-ups are good if you dont have any euipment. But if you really wanna bulk em up buy a long bar and some weights then just start benchin. After you done doin workouts drink a little protein.

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