What speeds up your metabolism

What speeds up your metabolism

Health related question in topics Biology Diet Nutrition Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “What speeds up your metabolism”,you can compare them.

The best ways to speed your metabolism is to do aerobic exercises, east breakfast every day, ear fewer high fat foods/less calories, and eat food likes fish, blueberries, tomatoes, dark leafy vegetables, whole grains, and 8 glasses of water daily. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-speeds-up-your-metabolism ]
More Answers to “What speeds up your metabolism
the best way to jump-start your metabolism is to exercise. Exercise will reduce body fat and increase lean muscle mass. By increasing lean muscle mass, metabolism will increase and aid in the weight-loss process. Muscle tissue uses more cal…
Many things can speed metabolism. Metabolism is defined as our body’s processes that protect life. These are chemical in nature and are affected by all things that speed up chemical reactions. Increasing body temperature increases metabolis…
Metabolism is the physical and chemical process that distributes nutrients throughout the body, using up the calories consumed during the day. When the metabolic rate is high, the process will burn through the available calories and start u…

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Anything that speeds up your metabolism?
Q: Is there anything that speeds up your metabolism, besides exercise? Are there any foods you can eat or drink, like maybe green tea? Thanks.
A: Tips to increase your metabolism—–Increase your protein intake : It helps in building muscle tissue. More muscles burn more fat and increases your metabolism.—–Eat breakfast everyday : Do not skip breakfast. Breakfast is break the fast that we have done overnight. Skipping breakfast makes your metabolism slower and makes you hungry which you tend to compensate by eating a lot later.—–Eat smaller, more frequent meals (eat 4-6 six small meals) – More frequent meals keep your metabolism charged .—–Exerecise to fire up your metabolism and burn more calories – Try 30-60 minutes of physical activity a day. It increases your metabolism .—–Take the stairs and park your car further away from the shops – You will end up burning more calories.—–Interval training – great way to boost metabolism —-Eating foods that speed up metabolism – http://weightlossweightloss.blogspot.com/2008/04/increase-metabolism.html
Is it true that spicy food speeds up your metabolism?
Q: I heard that eating spicy food speeds up your metabolism. Is that true?
A: No, it is not true.

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