Can men not have cellulite

Can men not have cellulite

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Men can get cellulite, but they have thicker skin so it generally doesn’t show. Hormones also play a big part in why men don’t get it. Thank you for asking ChaCha! Any other questions for us? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can men not have cellulite
Why do women have cellulite and not men?
Estrogen is the key hormone involved in cellulite formation. As a result, 90% of women have cellulite while most men do not, unless they have hormonal imbalance. Furthermore, the hypodermis (subcutaneous fat layer) is structurally different…
Why do women get cellulite and not men?
“Where fat is carried” Cellulite happens when the connective tissues in the skin are stretched to their limits by fat cells underlying the skin. The “dimples” are places where the connection from the top level of skin to…
What do men think of woman have cellulite but are not over wieght…?
Great question. Even at 5’6″ and 110, I had cellulite. I’m 127 now but I always wonder if men hate it as much as we do.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What do men think of woman have cellulite but are not over wieght?
Q: Even small petite fit woman have cellulite!Even the skinniest girl can have cellulite, I hate it!I’m 5’4 120lbs and have a little tiny bit I can still wear short slirts and short shorts but still – I hate it!!So what do men think of woman who have cellulite but are at a normal wieght?IS it unattractive?
A: Great question. Even at 5’6″ and 110, I had cellulite. I’m 127 now but I always wonder if men hate it as much as we do.
Question for the men out there…Do you really care if women have cellulite or stretch marks?
Q: Do men hate cellulite as much as we do or do they seriously dont care?
A: Sorry I’m not a man but… My brother told me cellulite is one of the worst things to have to look at on a girl. He is about 21 and it grosses him out completely.
ladies, what percentage of men get cellulite on their thighs and butt? people say men don’t get cellulite. ?
Q: do men get cellulite on their thighs and butt?
A: i’m sure there are men out there that have it or have gotten it, its just not common

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