What muscles do pull ups train

What muscles do pull ups train

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Pull-ups & Chin-ups force you to lift your own bodyweight. This stresses your body, building the muscles of your arms & back. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-muscles-do-pull-ups-train ]
More Answers to “What muscles do pull ups train
What Muscles do Pull-Ups train?
Pull-Ups train a variety of muscles in the upper body. For the most part, Pull-Ups train the Latissimus dorsi (lats) and Upper back (deltoids) muscles. They also slightly train your chest, bicep and forearm muscle groups. The uniqueness abo…
How can i get better at pull-ups?
keep practicing and you will get a little stronger every time, but dont do them every day, let those muscles heal, they wont grow if they are constantly being torn. remember what they say perfect practice makes perfect.
What muscles do pull ups build?
Latisimus Dorsai, Deltoids and Rhomboid muscles of the shoulders and back.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

what exercises would help train the pull up muscles, or for pull ups?
Q: im getting ready for the Marine Corp and only lack pull ups, i have no means of a pull up bar but need other ways to get the muscles built so when i get a bar i can better train.
A: Do assisted pull-ups under a table. Look for clues here http://pull-ups-training.com/pg_assisted.php
Pull-ups, push-ups and crunches, are enough to train the upper body muscles ?
A: add in a shoulder press, bench press, declined bench press, and an inclined bench press
If i am training Pull up, which muscle should i target to built for pull up?
Q: Like Bicep, Tricep, Grip?? Or any tips to share?Thx for answering.
A: Pull ups will target your entire back muscles, especially your lats, as well as your arms, specifically the biceps. Doing pull ups (palms facing away from you) will target the lats more while chin ups (palms facing toward you) will put more emphasis on the biceps. Both variations are excellent for training the back.With pull ups, you’ll want to have at least a shoulder-width grip on the bar. The wider your grip, the harder the exercise. With chin ups, you don’t need such a wide grip, just 6 to 8 inches is enough.I suggest that you train your forearms too, because if you don’t have a strong grip you won’t be able to do as many pull ups as you would like. Try using a hand gripping device to strengthen your grip or you can just squeeze a rubber ball to get the same effect. Do this throughout the day as much as possible.You can train your biceps to become stronger as well by doing curls for your arms, but I think that chin ups are a more convenient way of strengthening them, especially if you don’t have any free weights to work out with.Pull ups/chin ups are an excellent way to build upper body strength. It gives you that impressive v-shape to your back and gives the impression that you are broad-shouldered. You target many muscles at once and over time you become very strong. To gain entry in the Navy Seals, you need to do at least 6 pull ups, and most men can’t even do one. If you can do 8 to 10 reps for three sets, then you are doing very well.

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