What muscles does arm wrestling use

What muscles does arm wrestling use

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “What muscles does arm wrestling use”,you can compare them.

In arm wrestling you use: hand and finger muscles, triceps, shoulders, chest, and biceps. Use a barbell to train your hand-MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-muscles-does-arm-wrestling-use ]
More Answers to “What muscles does arm wrestling use
What muscle do you use in an arm wrestling?
The best way to get better at are wrestling is having a routine. You can start off with 2 push ups. Then increase by 2 each day, try your best you can be really good at are wrestling. Flexing also helps, when arm wresting flex your muscles …
Which muscles do you use for arm wrestling?
Arm wrestling uses many many different muscles, all of your arms, upper back, chest, and shoulders. Working out those will definitely help you win, as will grip exercises. As for technique, practice tension exercises for your arms. You want…
What muscle do you use in arm wrestle?
you are using your bicep, tricep, and muscles in your shoulder one of which is your deltoid.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How to workout forearms and arm wrestling muscles?
Q: I bench, do push-ups, bicep curl, pull-ups, chin-ups and this tricep pulley thing. and what are the major arm wrestling muscles?
A: The are a couple you should concentrate on:Brachioradialis – this one is best worked with hammer curls. This is going to be the stronger flexor of the elbow in the arm wresting position. Stronger than the biceps. This page will show you that muscle:http://www.exrx.net/Muscles/Brachioradialis.htmlSubscapularis – When you are arm wrestling you are actually trying to internally rotate the upper arm. Go here for an example exercise:http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/Subscapularis/CBInternalRotation.htmlGood luck
How do I strengthen the muscles I use for arm-wrestling?
Q: I can beat anyone in school except this one kid, and I can almost beat him. I need to know what things I can do to strengthen those specific muscles. Just push-ups, or what? Thanks.
A: curls – curls and curlsyou are using your biceps alotwrist – wrist and wristyou are using your wrist for leverage
What muscles are being used during arm wrestling?
Q: What muscles are being used during arm wrestling? What muscles should I train to get stronger for arm wrestling?
A: Biceps, Triceps, Forearms, probably even Shoulders, basically almost your whole upper body is being used

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