What is the regular height and weight of a 11 year old

What is the regular height and weight of a 11 year old

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the regular height and weight of a 11 year old”,you can compare them.

11 year old girls average 54″ in height and 80 lbs. 11 year old boys average 56″ and 80 lbs. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-regular-height-and-weight-of-a-11-year-old ]
More Answers to “What is the regular height and weight of a 11 year old
What is the regular weight for an 11 year old girl with a height …?
i looked at a BMI chart (body mass index) which calculates if the person is overweight, underweight, perfect weight, or obese by their height and weight. i do not think your daughter is overweight YET, but very close. id say maybe get her t…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is the height and weight of a regular 11 year old?
Q: I am 5’2 in a half and growing.I do not know my weight though.So what is the normal height and weightof a regular 11 year old ? ?To Heather B: My height is 5’2 and a half!
A: I’m 5’2 and a half and 11 year old. I’m around 116 pounds. I’m not “fat”, but I’m chubby. I also already had my period, so my my body is more mature than most 11 year olds.
What is the regular weight for an 11 year old girl with a height of 4″11″?
Q: I think my daughter might be a bit over weight she weighs 108 lbs and is 4″11″
A: i looked at a BMI chart (body mass index) which calculates if the person is overweight, underweight, perfect weight, or obese by their height and weight. i do not think your daughter is overweight YET, but very close. id say maybe get her to 100-105 range, and you should be alright.to check out the BMI chart go here, or look it up on googlehttp://answers.yahoo.com/question/answer?qid=20080911222855AAv7DR4
How much should a 4’11” woman weigh?
Q: I’m 20 years old, and I’m having a lot of trouble setting a goal weight because of how short I am.Right now I’m at 125, which doesn’t sound like a lot until you take my height into account. According to some BMI charts, “healthy” starts at 119, but I think I would still feel fat then. I’m somewhat muscular because I lift weights and do regular cardio, and I’ve lost about 25 to 30 pounds already.Is 115 lbs a good goal weight? Or should I aim for 110 lbs?
A: just excersize, eat 5-6 small meals, drink water and the lbs will come off, dont worry about the number, it means nothing. Congratulations on your weight loss by the way 🙂

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