What does protein do for your muscles after working out

What does protein do for your muscles after working out

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “What does protein do for your muscles after working out”,you can compare them.

Protein plays a role in muscle repair and growth.To help muscles recover eat a meal that with protein and carbs after working out. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-protein-do-for-your-muscles-after-working-out ]
More Answers to “What does protein do for your muscles after working out
Can protein target my abdominal muscles after working out ??
No, protein doesn’t target any specific muscle groups. If you want your abdominal muscles to be larger and more defined, I suggested doing weighted crunches and other weighted abdominal exercises. But continue to take the protein, because t…
How long after working out does the protein intake affect muscle …?
Well if u wanna get big and strong. you should cram alot of protien in your diet. its best when u drink it after ur workout and maybe the next day. i think ur muscle wont get the protien as much as it would of gotten cause ur muscles get pr…
Is it better to take whey protein AFTER or BEFORE working out mus…?
More essential after but you should take it before as well. Most post work out specific protein shakes consist of hydrolyzed(pre-digested) protein and fast acting carbs such as maltodextrin. These specialized blends cause a spike in blood s…

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Q: I heard that protein drinks have vitamins in them that help your muscles recuperate after a workout. So if you’re sore from the work out, would it be ok to drink a little bit of protein to help heal your muscles more if you don’t plan on working out?
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A: It doesnt matter, you still have dead fish in your mouth and will smell like vagina for the rest of the day
How come after i started drinking whey protein my muscles don’t ache the day after i work out?
Q: How quickly does whey protein “heal” the muscles? Usually when i worked out, my muscles ached the morning after and thats when i know i had a good workout. But now that i started drinking whey protein after i work out, i wake up the next morning and no muscle aches. Is this the protein or am i just not working out good enough anymore?
A: Because after you started taking protein you had already started working out and already started improving. Protein isnt an anabolic steriod, it doesnt speed up recovery. It helps build muscle. If anything you eat help speed up recovery it is carbs, and that is from the glycogen and from giving you calories to burn.

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