What is the fastest marathon time ever

What is the fastest marathon time ever

Health related question in topics Fitness Sports .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the fastest marathon time ever”,you can compare them.

The fastest woman marathoner is Paula Radcliffe,Great Britain (2:15:25).The fastest man is Halie Gebrseelassie, Ethiopia (2:03.59) [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-fastest-marathon-time-ever ]
More Answers to “What is the fastest marathon time ever
What’s your fastest marathon time?
My other marathon was 3 hours 37mins.
She ran fastest time at Nike Womens Marathon, but she was not the…?
AP Photo/Nike, Susan Goldman, Handout) In this photo provided by Nike, runners in the Fifth Annual Nike women’s marathon pass the scenic Bay Bridge on Oct. 19, 2008, in San Fransisco. Heard about the controversy at the Nike Womens Maratho…
What is the worlds fastest marathon time?
Men: Haile Gebraselassie (ETH) 2:03:59 Women: Paula Radcliffe (GBR) 2:15:25

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A: 2:05:38 for men (Khalid Khannouchi in 2002) 2:15:25 for women (Paula Radcliffe in 2003)EDITMartin Lel broke the course record today with a time of 2.05.15.
ran the fastest women’s ever.She won 2001 Chicago Marathon ever in what time & WHO IS SHE?
Q: She is of KENYA.
A: Catherine Ndereba (born July 31, 1972) is a world class Kenyan marathon runner. She broke the women’s marathon world record in 2001, running 2h18:47 at the Chicago Marathon. She was the first woman to run under the 2 hour and 19 minute barrier, but this has since been broken by England’s Paula Radcliffe
Can I finish a marathon in under 6 hours?
Q: I have 4 months to train, and I’m not an amazing distance runner. The longest I have ever run is 10 miles, and that really hurt. My fastest 5k is 19:27. Do you think I can finish a marathon in my hometown in under 6 hours? What are some training tips?stillwatermarathon.comif anybody lives near hear and it interested in running it….here** haha
A: a six-hour marathon is more than 13 min. per mile. with you 5k, you could jog and finish in well under 6 hours. i would, however, recommend some more mileage in the next 4 months to get your body ready for the pounding and to increase your ability to hold a decent pace. and btw, the guy who says to rest for 1-3 MONTHS! is out of his freaking mind. unless you like shatter your femur, it’s not going to take that long to recover. definitely take it easy for a week or two, but just listen to your body, and not to that guy.

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