What are some good exercises that i can do to get taller

What are some good exercises that i can do to get taller

Health related question in topics Biology Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “What are some good exercises that i can do to get taller”,you can compare them.

The cobra exercise- lie on the floor face down with palms on the floor under your shoulders. Begin to arch your spine up (More?) [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-good-exercises-that-i-can-do-to-get-taller ]
More Answers to “What are some good exercises that i can do to get taller
How to Get Taller Exercises
The following exercises have been shown to help a person to get taller. How to Get Taller Exercises: Swimming running stretching body inversion Remember always that it is very important that before you start any exercise program make sure…
What exercises can i do to get taller?
There is an easy and safe way to increase height within a short period of time.The results depend on the effort and dedication of each one. Growth results depend mostly on your age, health, bones density, diet and genetic level. Stretching …
What exercises or stretches can I do to get taller??
Hi There are some specific methods that can help you to increase your height. Here are some useful methods to grow taller naturally: Have a good sleep Getting a full night’s sleep each and every night is one of the best natural ways to gr…

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Q: Hy! I am a 20 years old boy and I have only 1.63 m and, what it’s worse, 72 kg. I want to do some sport exercises at home which could help me grow a little more. Do you know such kind of exercises and do you know a good schedule for this? Do you know how could I loose 11 kg?
A: hang upside down by your feet, you’ll grow a few inches
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Q: I’m currently 14 and 5’1. I weigh 117 and I’m very active. Well, I do some exercises at home to increase my height, but they never work. I haven’t reached puberty, but is that the problem? Some say once you hit puberty for girls you start to get taller. And if it’s true, then could you tell me at least 5-6 good exercise or diets or something! To become taller. Thanx.:)
A: There is no exercise that will make you taller. Height is a combination of genetics and diet. Genetics will sort of set your maximum height and proper nutrition (especially calcium) will help you achieve that height.
Do some YOGA exercises help you grow taller ?
Q: if anyone knows a lot of information on this..could u plzz tell me which YOGA exercises to perform or it would be helpful if there were any websites available too.I need to grow taller..Are there any really helpful stretching exercises ..Any websites with a list of all these exercises would also be helpful..thnx
A: oh my… my my myGrowing taller or just growing at all is GENETIC. There is no pill you can take or exercise you can do that will ever make you physically taller. If you are not satisfied with the hight you are, all I can say is love yourself… you could be a little person or end up in a wheelchair because your legs don’t work. I’m 4’9 and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

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