What are good things to eat after working out

What are good things to eat after working out

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Protein is good to have right after a work out. Examples are: Beans, nuts, steak or other red meat, eggs, fish, etc. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-good-things-to-eat-after-working-out ]
More Answers to “What are good things to eat after working out
What are some good things to eat after working out?
After workouts its important that you replenish your carbs but also get protein. You can try a fruit smoothie with some protein powder included. Or you can just have a protein shake. I personally like muscle milk. Just make sure you get a s…
What is the best thing to eat after working out to lose weight??
i just eat some fruits (cherries, oranges, apples, and etc)or a bowl of cereal and drink some water, but since your trying to lose weight try not to eat things high in fat. I dont know if you want to gain muscles too or only lose weight, bu…
How long should I wait after eating to work out? What’s the best …?
Eating before you work out used to be considered a no-no, but today, it’s a must for muscle growth. It helps prevent muscles from being torn down for fuel during training and kick-starts the muscle-growth processes sooner. You should consum…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are some good things to eat after working out?
Q: I have been on a health kick lately and I have been doing really well. However I am always starving after I work out. I am average sized. Not fat but not skinny either. I am more looking to tone and reshape then lose weight.I don’t want to spoil all the hard work I just did. What are some healthy but yummy foods I can eat after I work out that wont spoil my hard work? And yes I drink lots of water so other then that what else? Thanks!This may sound like I am dumb but I know some fruits have lots of sugar and what not so I really don’t know what is good and what is not.um yeah next answer!
A: After workouts its important that you replenish your carbs but also get protein. You can try a fruit smoothie with some protein powder included. Or you can just have a protein shake. I personally like muscle milk. Just make sure you get a small amount of carbs – because you just used some up. And protein so your body doesn’t eat your muscles. You can eat all fruits. The sugar in fruit is natural – it won’t make you fat. But just don’t eat ridiculous amounts. Too much of anything isn’t very good for you.
What are good things to eat before and/or after working out?
Q: That is, if I should eat anything before and after working out.
A: before,a plate of pasta for your carbs.after,protein shake,protein bar,meat,so you can regenerate your muscles with protein.
What are good things to eat after a work out without overdoing it?
Q: I’m obviously always hungry after working out, but I don’t want my workout to go to waste by me eating too much afterwards. Sometimes I’ll want to have 2 pita wraps instead of one, or a big bowl of pasta instead of a small bowl along with some salad on the side, etc.Any suggestions? What do you eat after working out?I don’t want to lose weight actually, I just like to work out to keep healthy and tone up a little more.
A: Fruit, water, nuts. Fruit gives your body natural sugar to aid in increasing your metabolic rate.Water removes toxins and impurities.Nuts provide protein.Carbo packing is great if you want to look really muscular but a poor tonal condition for a woman to take on when exercising or working out- protein provides essential bodily needs without the potential of remaining carbs becoming sugar which women know turns to extra workouts when our bodies are faced with cortisol.so if you want to look like a female wrestler than your fine slathering down a couple bowls of pasta and chasing it with bread prior to a work out but if you are looking for positive sources.Try a water and maybe a yogurt parfait or straight fruit- the parfait offers fruit, calcium, folic acid, yeast needed in digestion and to prevent infections and protein- I wouldn’t eat it immediately after as the ph differentials in the milk will upset your stomach- organic granola is also minor carbohydrates and natural sugars that aid in digestion and provide fiber.

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