What Are keegles

What Are keegles

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Kegel exercises strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, which support the uterus, bladder and bowel. If you do Kegel exercises More? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-keegles ]
More Answers to “What Are keegles
What are keegles? and do they really work?
Yes, it does work. Its especially helpful for women about to give birth or who have recently had a baby. Here’s how to figure out what muscles you should be flexing…go to the bathroom and while you’re peeing, stop your urine mid-stream. T…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is the best way to ask a lady to do keegles?
Q: I have had numerous partners in the last year (protected sex). Some woman I have been with had children some not and It is hit or miss if they excersise. One lady told me she was not able to finish until she started to do them. Anyways one thing is for sure I have no intentions of offending anyone. I just want to know the best way.Ok huge misconception. Both men and woman can “feel” the difference if the exercises are done. That is a fact. I want to know the best way without offending a lady. Men are not able to “beef up” but woman can work on these muscles. Of course if a man were able to what would you say to him politely?
A: Men can, and do perform Kegel exercises to help them last longer. Tell the woman you have been reading about it, and the article said women can do them too and explain the benefits, etc.
what are keegles? and do they really work?
Q: i dont know if thats what there called or not but its an exercise thats suposed to make your vagina tighter? does anyone know how to do it and does it work?
A: Yes, it does work. Its especially helpful for women about to give birth or who have recently had a baby.Here’s how to figure out what muscles you should be flexing…go to the bathroom and while you’re peeing, stop your urine mid-stream. The muscles you flexed to do that are what you should exercise doing kegel exercises. Don’t stop and start your urine a bunch…that leads to bladder infection. You can flex those muscles anytime/anywhere.Here’s a link with more info: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/kegel-exercises/WO00119
what does keegles do to your pussy?
A: Strengthens your pelvic floor muscles & helps prevent incontinence.

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