How to grow muscle

How to grow muscle

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “How to grow muscle”,you can compare them.

Weight lifting and Calisthenics will both help you to grow your muscles. Also, do full body workouts & eat whole food. ChaCha on! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How to grow muscle
the best way to get muscle is to work with heavy weights less reps and more sets each time increaing amount of weight on each set till ya can just about push that last one out next do one body part once a week eg Chest on Monday Back on Tue…
It’s clear enough that you need to eat enough of the right kinds of food if you want to grow muscle. But that doesn’t tell you which are the best foods for muscle growth. With all the misleading information and fad eating plans out there, t…
Give Me 12 weeks. The Proven Way on How To Grow Muscles FAST Guaranteed! Without Any Bells & Whistles I’ve transformed literally HUNDREDS of skinny, scrawny, chubby, fat, young, old guys into muscular men whom no one will EVER second gu…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is there a product that exists that will grow muscle without you having to work out?
Q: I have a disorder that affects my muscels. If I work them too hard the will not recover like a normal person’s muscles, having the reverse affect. Is ther a supplement that will grow muscle with you having to work out?
A: Higher protein levels with controlled carbs will grow lean tissue.Simple carbohydrates (sugar, flour, bread, cereal, pasta, potatoes, rice) trigger insulin, as long as you have <9grams carbs per hour, you will maintain insulin control. Controlling insulin levels will balance out other hormones & allow human growth hormone (HGH) to be produced naturally so lean muscle will be gained even without exercise. Any exercise will greatly increase muscle mass with high HGH levels.I have the same type of disorder & recently read that 300 mg B2 & in morning & 1000 mg of B3 in pm might help. I have been trying it with iodine & other supplements with no change yet but it’s worth a try.Dr.Atkins was a cardiologist, low carb was a health plan easier sold as a “diet” Read any of his books for easily understandable science. Normalizing blood pressure, blood sugar, insulin, cholesterol, triglyercerides & hormone levels are all bonus features of doing a low carb way of eating. Lutz “Life without Bread” & Taubes “Good calories, Bad calories” are excellent books that dispel all the nutrition myths.
What is the name of the muscle in the human body that is located in the legs that is known to grow the fastest
Q: This muscle is known to grow the fastest when working out compared to other muscles in the body. It is a quick growing muscle and tends to be very strong.5/19/06-I beleive the answers provided are good, but not right. It is another muscle in the the legs. It is a fast growing muscle, strong, develops quickly with exercise/weights, and has a strange technical name. So far there is no best answer as of today!
A: gastrocnemius
Possible to grow muscle if you are naturally thin with no fat?
Q: im really slim, vegeterian due to religious reasons, and i was wondering is it possibe for a slim person to gain muscle if they dont have fat? If not is there any product i should drink before start going to the gym to help me grow muscle?has anyonebeen in my position and grown muscles, please share experiances.thankyou.
A: Of course it’s possible, but it may be difficult if you’re a vegetarian. You will need to supplement your diet with protein shakes, but there is no real reason why, with training and proper diet, you can’t build muscle.Check out Muscle and Fitness online for training ( and nutrition ( advice

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